Friday, February 22, 2013


This little girl turned seven last week!  I just can't believe it.  Sure love this girl.

 I was woefully unprepared for her birthday, considering that her emergency surgery threw us off.  The day before the blessed event, I told her she could have her friends over the next week, at which news she promptly burst into tears.  So I called all of her friends and invited them over for a party the very next day, on her actual birthday.  They were such good sports.  I had to get gifts and things for the party at the last minute; in my desperation I visited a Ross-like local store and found kits for a couple of different crafts and the cute cupcake holders pictured above.  We made sock puppets, painted rocks, and decorated cupcakes.  It went well in spite of its last minute nature (and being 30 minutes late to her own party, due to a miscommunication with Grandpa, oops), and I think she was happy (she loves crafts).

Feeling extra thankful for this sweet girl who adds a kind and loving and spunky/fun spirit to our home!  It is indeed very boring around here without her.

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