Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Love Day

Happy Valentines Day everyone!  I used to feel grumpy on this day, but my kids just make it so fun.  That whole magic of childhood thing, or something like that.  Enjoy a few photos from my four year-olds Valentine class ballet and a special Valentine holder made by my girls that I thought was just so stinkin' cute (they did it with no help from me).  And my husband is taking me out for pizza tonight.  Little did he know that when he married me, he married pizza.  What a good sport.

Note that Mr. Snowman is holding a Valentine.  I found a similar one on my nightstand this morning, as did everyone else in the family.  One little girl in this family is so cute that way-- she loves the holidays and loves to write sweet notes.  She teaches me a thing or two all the time. :)

I hope you have a wonderful day!  Love from all of us.

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