Friday, February 15, 2013

A Little Laugh start your weekend.  (sorry I'm posting late today!  had to take little cute girl in again, this time for tummy pain, did another X-ray-- just some fun little blockages due to all the medicines and fun things she's gone through lately, nothing a little over the counter medicine won't cure!)

Here are some funny things the littlest boy has done or said lately.

The other day, after someone went to the bathroom, he surprised us by saying "bye bye poo poos!  Lub [love] you!"  and then blowing the toilet a kiss, by touching his chubby little open hand to his mouth and making a loud smacking noise.  So sorry if this is offensive to anyone, it's just so funny.

He has a little tiny Cars car he calls "Wa-weegie" (Luigi) that he will not reliquish for anything.  And if he does, and it gets misplaced, he will be sad and fussy until it is relocated (sometimes not for several hours).

The other night, we had some deer in our yard.  He noticed them even before I did, and he was so ecstatic I couldn't contain his excitement.  As you will see in the video below.  Sorry it is dark.  But you get the picture.  I was totally amazed the deer weren't scared away as he rushed back and forth to the window squealing "deer!  Deer!"

Happy weekend everyone!  

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