Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Another Quick Update

The docs thought that the cute little girl needed to stay one more day.  She is much more herself today-- she has even been able to walk a little in a shaky sort of way.  The MRI looked good, but she has a blood marker that should be half of what it is.  They think things are looking good but there is still a slight possibility that if that number doesn't come down by tomorrow, that they'll have to re-open her hip and look for any infection that they may have missed the first time.  I'm really really hoping they don't have to do that, we should know more in the morning.

The ups and downs have been hard, and I have felt so badly for the kids I have to keep leaving at home, especially the baby, but I have really enjoyed having time with her, and today we had a wonderful stretch of afternoon sun.

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