Friday, May 24, 2013


I know I just blogged about helping siblings get along.  Isn't so much easier to blog about them getting along, to soliloquize and extemporize and extrapolate fancy theories about children's behavior?  And yet, whose behavior really fits into some neat little box?  One reason I take some parenting books with a grain of salt.  Because they are often written by men, who are probably sitting in a suit somewhere in a quiet, air-conditioned office writing away to their hearts content, while the women they are writing about (who are going on a partial nights sleep for who knows how long) are trying to bend over with a big pregnant belly in the grocery store while one child wails about not getting some candy and the other one makes a mad dash for the exit.  It never works like it does in the books!  Of course we can write it all pretty-like on a page.  But in real life, we are the warriors in the trenches, who both dig the trenches and man them, who get right down in the dirt and fight like crazy just to stay alive some days (excuse my over-generalization, I know there are stay home dads and just dads in general who definitely are right there with us).   Mr. Child Expert has never struggled just to take a simple shower before 5 o'clock.  And yet, I love parenting!  So much.  Another day.  Its just okay if things don't work out for you just like you thought they should before you had kids, or just like some guy in a tie and an air conditioned office who has never been pregnant thinks they should.

Ah, I digress.  So I have a few fun photos, since I was just extemporizing about sibling love.  They aren't knock-down-drag-out photos (we have those too sometimes), but they are funny nonetheless.  For the funniest fight in progress I have seen in a while, see this.  Funny because...I don't know why!  It's just funny!  And I can relate.

Also, you can see how healthy we were eating on this particular night!  You know what, I'm digressing again, but I didn't realize just how much I needed my own perfectionist post on Wed.  I didn't realize that a few things I'm stymied on right now are perfectionist-paralysis.  I needed a reminder that its better to do things half way than not at all!

You know what? I'm not even going to edit these (living on the edge, I know).  Or worry that someone's hair isn't done.

This little girl discovered that by opening and closing her hands, at different times, she could get her sisters (who were sitting on either side of her) to sing or stop singing.  You can see when she is quite pleased with herself and you can also see the times when her sisters just were not cooperating.  This little girl makes me laugh.

Happy, happy weekend everyone!  I hope you are going somewhere fun or able to get some projects done or just able to enjoy a quiet weekend.

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