Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I visited a long lost friend today and completely forgot about blogging.  I guess that is a good thing once in a while, right?  One of the reasons I started this blog was to help me connect with others as sometimes connection can be kind of hard in this modern, hurried world (and/or when you have a lot of kids to haul in and out of the car!). 

We are enjoying  lazy couple of Spring Break days.  Lots of TV (ouch), pajamas, uncombed hair, Easter candy, lingering talks with family and friends, and some tempermentally beautiful weather.   After such a long hard winter, it is so nice to see everything come back to life again.

Tonight, we are off to take the oldest two kids to see the Lord of the Dance  (Part of the whole scheduling of cultural activities).  I'm so excited.  I saw Riverdance years ago and it was amazing.

So, until tomorrow dear friends!  I will get these lazy bones around to some Easter photos and goals very soon.

What do you like to do for vacation?  Go and do, or enjoy some time with no where to go?  I enjoy both! 

Here is a funny saying I forgot to include the other day.  My little ones are currently obsessed with My Little Pony.  They've learned how to work Netflix and it is currently my nemesis.  I'm considering making myself a sticker chart to get myself to stick better to my TV time rule!  Lol.  So, with all the frolicking ponies around here, my baby has been referring a lot to "My Little Phony."  And he refers to ponies as "phonies."  I love it.  So cute.  The other night I let him cry it out.  It was traumatic, I tell you!  While I was sitting on the other side of his door I felt like I was going to cry too.  Because I'd been sick, my tummy started to growl.  Poor little guy, in a desperate, high-pitched, crying voice, said "I hear a dinosaur!"  More to come on this later.

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