Friday, April 26, 2013

April Goals Update

I haven't updated about goals this month because, welllll.....this month's goals have been very spotty at best, non-existent at other times.  I have a few days left to pull something from somewhere, right? 

I did notice on the days I drank more water and restricted myself to fruits/vegetables for snacks that I felt really good!  It is so easy to use busyness as an excuse not to do some things that are important, like eating healthily.  One thing I did do, since we have eaten out like crazy this month (ug), is spend a couple of days turning my kitchen into a tornado while attempting to make something edible for freezing and eating later.  Soccer season is in full swing and that is one reason it is hard to eat healthy dinners!  I have never been much of a freezer dinner person (I wasn't even sure if I was supposed to pre-cook the stuff before I froze it?), but now is as good a time as any to start, right? 

I did chat with the kids about an after school routine, but we haven't implemented yet.  And I just keep weakening when it comes to helping littlest boy sleep through the night, even though I really need it (and need to start getting up early again!  makes my whole day go better).  I love holding that little soft hand and feeling his warm breath in my face and watching those little eyelashes rest on his downy white cheeks.  I have been having a little anxiety about letting my baby grow up, and about being done with babies in general.  You'd think after five I would be having no trouble, but alas.  I wrote a whole blubbery long post yesterday and decided it would be best to sit on it a minute before publishing, you know.  Maybe next week.

Have an absolutely wonderful, fantastic, happy weekend.  Miss you already!

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