Tuesday, July 3, 2012


We had the most fabulous day at the zoo with friends.  We haven't been to the zoo in ages, but we'll definitely being going back soon!  It reminded me of so many happy times at the Denver Zoo when my now biggest kids were little:

(One of my favorite pictures of all time)

I LOVED watching my baby see the animals for the first time.  His expressions were priceless.  Especially loved the monkeys.

These cans were empty (my son used his "allowance" to buy a soda-- I let him, using what I just learned in the Parenting Breakthrough about letting kids learning how to manage their own money at a young age).  My baby had a great time with the empty cans.

Cooling off!

My boy carried my backpack all day (so I could lift baby up to show him the animals) without complaining.

 The kids were so cute with eachother all day.

What I would give for this little girl's thoughts sometimes.

We ended the excursion with a trip to a playplace and an ice cream.  His first time really having ice cream?  It was so cute.

I thought, I am so glad my kids haven't outgrown playplaces and zoos.  I love this age!  I just want to eat it up.  So glad we're spending more time together.

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