Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rainy Days and Mondays

Grandma came over.  For a few hours before she arrived, Ava would shout out the front door-- "Grandma, where are you?" in a really loud manly (little girly-manly) voice.

We had plans to go somewhere fun-- maybe here or have a picnic and hike in the mountains.  Instead, the skies decided to gather ominous black clouds, which blew our way and started the biggest downpour we've seen in a long time.  So we had to change our plans.  But we had a wonderful time-- maybe even better that we would have had   (and my mom helped me fold my laundry!  and get a few of those things done I haven't been able to get to since Emerson wants to be held a lot).

We made cupcakes for some neighbors who seemed like they needed a little boost (decided this is a huge well refiller for me...see here), had dinner, played in the rain (a little), and enjoyed the heck out of those little leftover puddles after the black raincloud had gone.  Puddle splashing was so refreshing, and it was so fun to see the kids excitement with the rain and the puddles.   And I always enjoy my mom.

LOVE summer rains. :)

Grandma entertains and cuddles Emerson while I get some dinner made!  Wahoo! SO cute.

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