Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Disclaimer #'s 2 and 3

This blog is dedicated to helping me be a better parent, to make the most of these years with my little ones, and to give them the best possible start in life.   Read disclaimer number one here, about how there is no one right way to parent....this is just what works for me.  We moms are all in this together, and it helps us help each other if we don't judge each other because something that works for someone else doesn't work for us, and vice versa.

Disclaimer No. 2 - no guilt.  In sharing our happy times and triumphs, my intention is never to create guilt for anyone (I've been on the other side of that coin!  Trust me!).  Just know that there are plenty of things we don't do well, and plenty of bad days, but I've learned that focusing on the positive helps me stay positive (I could send you a picture of our weeds or disheveled closets and you would feel much better!).  If you feel guilt (please don't! we women do these things and we shouldn't!), remember this quote I heard the other day about guilt not being meant for scorn, but to beckon (heard it from speaker John Bytheway in his talk The Tour de Family, sorry I don't have exact quote).  If it beckons you to higher ground, great.  If it's not productive, ditch it!  It's not worth it.  (especially if it's in the past)

Disclaimer 3 - religion.  You've probably figured out by now that I'm a Mormon.  No, I do not have horns.  Number of mothers: one.  (I have been asked both of these questions by sincere, legitimate people in case you think it's a joke. :)  It is kind of funny.  See thoughtful Washington Post article here).  I will try to keep this mostly personal, but once in a while I will share something about my relationship with God or something from a Mormon source (we prefer to be referred to as LDS, not Mormons, but it's ok).  Don't worry.  I'm not targeting anyone, just sharing what helps me.  If I didn't, this would be an incomplete picture of my journey, since those things are a huge part of who I am and why I do what I do.  If you would like to learn more about Mormonism, please visit www.Mormon.org.  You are also welcome to email me with any questions or see the "my faith" button on my sidebar.

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