Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Little Praying Mayhem- Deliver Us?

Off for a summer date with a little one.  Yay!  I'm still loving quality time from month one.  I'm amazed at how much showing love through acts of service has been on my mind, just in the first day, even though school hasn't started yet.  Its really nice to be conscious of how using acts of service (even as simple as getting a child a drink right away instead of putting her off) shows love.  Enjoy this mayhem-ish prayer story from a few days ago.  A frequent happening at our house.  Happy Tuesday!

I love those sweet and innocent paintings of children praying.  And I believe Jesus when He said we must become as little children.

But prayers aren't always so angelic at our house.

Here is how one went (roughly) at our house the other night.  Our little three year old offers to say virtually every prayer.  Her hand shoots up and she gets this cute proud grin on her face.  :)

Three year old, in a cute high pitched, sing-songy voice:  Dear Heavenly Father....
[whispers loudly] What else?
[Baby banging two toys together, oblivious]
Me, squinting one eye open: What are you thankful for?
Three:  [repeats what I said, as a matter-of-fact statement] What are you thankful for.
[Ten year old, 9 year old and 6 year old giggle]
[Three year old, still grinning, giggles too]
[Husband, sitting on the floor in the corner, has his head against the wall and his eyes closed]
Three whisper-shouts: What next?
Nine year-old: Thank you for this day.
Three:  Thank you for this day!
Eleven year old hiss-whispers: please bless Grampie!
Three:  Please bless Grampie!
Six year-old loudly whispers: And grandma!  And Grandpa!
Three: And Grandma.  And Grandpa.
[with eyes wide open now, kicking a toy with her foot, now she picks it up and starts to play with it]
Nine:  And the sad people!
Me: Ava!  Fold your arms!
Three year old: oh.  [still kicking her feet, looking around the room]  And please bless the sad people.
[Six year-old starts taking a toy the baby wants, they start a tug-of-war with baby screaming loudly, still oblivious, six year-old still doesn't let go]
[Husband in the corner, with his head against the wall, eyes closed.  I think he is asking for delivery.  right now.]
Eleven year old:  [hint, hint] Name of Jesus [this is how we close our prayers]
Nine whispers: ...Christ amen!
[can always tell when the kids are tired of the prayer because they tell the pray-er to close this way]
Three:  Name of Jesus Christ AMEN!  [Raises both arms in the air in triumph, like I DID IT!  You are so proud of me!]

It's a good thing there is a lot of power in those sweet little innocent prayers.  Maybe we'll be saved because of them and not in spite of them.

Do you have any good prayer stories?  What is the most unusual thing someone has done during a prayer at your house?  I think we've had someone throw up, had giggles turn into convulsive laughter, and kids emit sounds that are too rude for me to mention here.

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