Thursday, October 4, 2012

An Ordinary Day Goes From Good to Bad and Back Again

Today we drove to my mom's to help her clean her house after some local construction made her house very dusty.  I was worried about leaving my own mess behind, but we enjoyed the car ride so much-- the leaves this year are breathtaking, the most beautiful we've had in a few years.

It was so relaxing to be out, to spend time with my mom and little ones, and to do something for someone who has helped me so much!  It felt really good.  She kept getting the little ones snacks, toys, hugs, and movies while I wiped blinds clean with a green-gloved hand.  She put a white Tupperware bowl filled with water in the kitchen on a towel and put tub toys in it.  The kids loved it. 

By the time I got home, though, it was time to run my son to soccer.  Mentally, I had a little breakdown as I thought about all the millions of things I wasn't getting done.  I let the little ones out of the car while I sat next to a cement wall and sullenly scrolled through my phone, NOT remembering things I've learned recently about making the most of busy days and not to panic on busy days (didn't I learn that on day one?).

But the kids were having such a great time, running and squealing with little feet slapping the pavement in pattering-rain fashion; it was infectious.  After a few minutes I ran around with them a bit, and they made me laugh, and I remembered how much I can do with a few minutes if I choose to, and that time with them is the biggest mood lifter of all. 

Aren't these little faces just so worth it?  SO cute.

(The only way I could get this little one to hold still for some pictures was to ask him "where is your nose?  Where are your ears?" etc.)

What do you think of the new hair cut?  (it looks a little better when dry)

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