Thursday, October 25, 2012

Organization Update (Again?)

(Great read.  -- hey, it even works for Halloween! ha--  More about this book next week)

Um, I'm supposed to be organizing this month, and what I'm learning is that it is hard to get organized when I am unorganized!  Ha.

I sat in front of my computer on Monday and all was blank.  So I'm going to hunker down right now (I know my month should be over already!  aaaaaagggh!) and finish what I started, like, six weeks ago. 

I'm glad I didn't finish, though, because I've gotten some new insights on planning/organization.

It's all well and good to get organized and try to maximize one's day.  But what I've gotten here and here and here (see Of Regrets and Resolutions-- awesome!) is a little perspective.  There are so many good things to choose from in life.  Wouldn't it be nice if we could choose all of them.  And isn't there a lot of pressure right now to do it all?  As a culture we are infected with hurry sickness, myself included, to squeeze in as much as possible into life.  But what are we trying to squeeze in?  How much will the things we do today really matter when life is done?

Is more really better?  More toys just add more work in clutter.  More activities make us rush around with little time to think or connect or see other people around us that might need our help.

So as I prepare to attack my schedule and planning, I'm also going to be focusing on what to cut out.  Off the top of my head, I think I could check Facebook less (all the political updates are driving me crazy anyway) and substitute some real face time with people I care about.  Trying to stave off my continous snack attack would give me more time and a smaller waistline.  :)  Even if I give up one little five minute time waster (ahem, Instagram), I can make those five minutes meaningful to one of my children.

During a recent event, I found that all my children were happily occupied and I found myself beckoned by some beautiful craggy autumn trees through some underbrush to the bank of a small river, that glinted orange and yellow in the lazy afternoon sunlight.  I remembered -pause- that somewhere under the busy mom is a person who had (wait, has!) goals and dreams for my life.  I realized I need to be alone more often-- for a little clarity, in my own life and so I can better help those in my care.  Then one minute later my cute husband and baby came trundling along behind me, with little happy smiles on their faces.  Happy sigh.  Alone time over, but I'm lucky to have these dear people to keep me running!  I just need to make sure I'm running where I want to go, enjoying the journey, and not just the destination.

What do you cut out of your schedule in order to simplify?  What is your favorite quiet moment?  And how do you fend off guilt when you say "no?"   

As a side note, you can get I Never Planned to be a Witch (Eyre)-- I think-- for free on the Power of Moms website if you sign up for emails.  I have a link in my sidebar.  It is an encouraging, simple book that I really enjoyed and felt inspired by. 

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