Friday, December 21, 2012

Anti- Perfectionist Christmas

This year I have let go of the inner perfectionist a bit and it is so liberating. :)  See my stocking hangers with yet again no photo inside (5 years?), usually I hang three but couldn't find the third and didn't bother to look for it (though I have all the stockings).  One thing I love about Christmas is that decorations don't have to be perfect because they are temporary!  I love how homey and cozy my house feels, especially at night, during the Christmas season. 

My hubby, who has been a little distressed by my attitude this year, has taken on the role of perfectionist in my place.  He spent some good time creating a Christmas letter like this classy vintage example and it looked fabulous (I was going to send the photo card out without a letter, this was heresy in his mind, so he took over the job, which in fairness, he did last year too).

In place of neighbor gifts, we got together as a neighborhood and donated to a charity.  This has been a relief, though I do love giving neighbor/friend gifts and hope to be back up to the task at some point in the future.

For a fun tradition we did last year, called "Gift from the Heart," see this post.  It was such a good experience we are doing it again this year (late as usual).

 The tree with no star and eclectic ornaments and a line where our arms could no longer reach.  With no presents underneath the tree yet.  Normally we try to get them wrapped in advance for increase of anticipatory childish delight, but we've been behind this year.

 One of my favorite ornaments, an egg we bought in Prague at the Christmas markets when Isa was a baby.  And note the gold-ish plastic ornament we paid pence for :) in England when K was a baby; we didn't have hooks so we used paper clips which are still in use.

 I love all the ones with photos on them!  Cute sideways smile.  So fun to see how they've grown, though it makes me sad, too.

We get ornaments from family in Maine each year, these are some of my favorites too.

 Vintage decorations that were my grandmother-in-laws. :)  And some seconds we bought at the Spode factory in Stoke-on-Trent.  And quintessential Dickens.

 This is what my living room looked like on one busy day this month.

While little ones play happily, oblivious to the mess.

My very favorite decoration, given by my mother-in-law the Christmas before she passed away.

What are your favorite traditions?  Do you have a pretty tree or an eclectic tree like we do?  Or maybe you can pull off pretty and eclectic? 

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