Thursday, December 20, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me

This picture just makes my heart melt.  And my frosting.  And my candle wax.  And just in case you are wondering, those cute little sticking out candles correctly represent my age-- the big 3-6.

I've been having a little mini mid-life crisis (nothing major, I promise) over the last few months, though I haven't mentioned it to anyone.  I have never had a mid-life crisis before, this is a first for me. :)

Up until this year, I always told myself that relatively speaking, I was still young (and still am! I hope to live to a ripe old age).  That I have lots of opportunities still ahead.  And I have reminded myself of all the people who have accomplished important things in their 30's and beyond (this woman inspires me!).  But for some reason, turning that leaf over into the upper 30's has had me panicking a bit.

It doesn't help that I have started having arthritis in my hands.  I wondered why my joints frequently felt achy and stiff until it hit me that I am already getting arthritis.  Ug!  Already?

But seeing my kiddos being so sweet and thoughtful makes me realize that it has all been worth it.  (remember last year?)  Aren't they so sweet?

Here for your laughing pleasure, a poem I wrote the night before my 30th birthday.  I never have been able to tweak it quite enough to like it (except for the end), but you get the picture. :)  Any suggestions appreciated, as always.  :)

On the Eve of My Thirtieth Birthday

I held you till you fell asleep

Your little body curled up to mine--


Then, reluctant arms

Put you to rest;

I looked over to

Your sister, sleeping

Like an angel

In her three year-old


When I looked in on

The big(ger) boy,

His legs propped like the poles of a tent,

Red cheeks from the uncomfortable heat

Of winter colds.

I held his hand for a minute

Or fifteen,

Smoothed his soft-straw hair,

Remembering our


Felt his little heart beating in his chest,

Remembering the first time I heard

That sound,

An inauguration into the most



Of Motherhood.

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