Saturday, November 2, 2013


Morning-after candy coma.

I think the kids had a great Halloween, in spite of a near-bomb because I was feeling terrible!  I had surgery a week ago Friday and I have been in a lot of pain.  It was a crazy week for a post-surgery mom of 5, with two Halloween piano recitals, dance carpool, preschool, Halloween parades at the school, music class, and the like!

Day after Halloween was so beautiful!  I had to go out and take a few photos.  I love watching the leaves change, but there is something extra special when your very own trees do it.  So fun to watch.

 A last minute pumpkin (literally carved in the five minutes between dinner and trick-or-treating.  I love it.  It has a lot of character.)

 My husband made a "pumpkin patch" for dinner.

 The beautiful girl in the photo above made these adorable costumes for the kids' animals.

Goodbye Halloween!  See you next year!

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