Friday, November 8, 2013

A Grumpy Week

It has been a long, grumpy week around these parts.  I don't know if we're just adjusting to Daylight Savings or what, but we've had an unusual amount of whining, fighting, and dragging about.  I have been especially grumpy too!  My leg has been killing me.  I have had a hard time getting stuff done around the house, so it has been a huge mess (like, can't see the floor in a few rooms sort of mess, ouch, though we got it clean today).  I tell you what, I have sure been appreciating what a difference it makes to have a healthy body and how chronic pain can really affect a person's mood.  I have been a bit "snappish" all week.

I have also realized how lucky I have been so far in the sibling rivalry department.  I have two kids that have suddenly been at each other a lot over the last couple of months, and it is driving me crazy.  It seems like they are constantly picking at each other, and one in particular always ends up crying.  Fun.  It just so happens the said two offending parties also share a room, so we'll be working on that.  A few nights ago, I reached a breaking point; I thought-- I just can't do it any more.  Not one more day.  (I've also had some bedtime struggles lately-- all of the kids totally wired at bed time!)  I sat myself down, frustrated and exhausted one night, and poked around the internet for ideas about sibling room sharing arrangements.  It wasn't much help.  It seems like there were lots of people on there debating the pros and cons of room sharing, as if everyone has a choice between the two options of private or shared rooms. For us, with seven people in the family and four bedrooms, there is no choice.  Kids have to share.  The suggestions that were floating around were things like: try to match up kids ages and genders, so there isn't a large discrepancy between bed times, for example.  The trouble is, I'm splitting up two similar aged kids because they couldn't get along, and if we went for the gender thing then I'd have my two year-old in with my 12 year-old, and they don't have similar schedules.  So I ended up more frustrated than I'd started.

A few days ago, I tried to tackle my complete disaster of a house on my gimpy, painful leg, and for some reason, my littlest two decided they were feeling really needy all of a sudden.  They both decided at that moment to ask for lots of drinks, hang on my legs and ask to be held, and things like that (and they generally don't understand about my sore leg and try to jump on me and things like that, which is fine under normal circumstances, but...).  I went to my bedroom and sat among the fantastic ruins of my laundry, and started on the epic task.  The littlest boy loves to play with laundry, for some reason.  He can make quick work of a folded pile.  He also loves to throw sorted laundry (and folded laundry) as well as step on the piles.  Inside, I was screaming, my skin crawling like crazy.  On the outside, I probably looked very grumpy.  The little ones surprised me by offering to help.  Even the little boy started scrunching stuff up and handing it to me, very proudly, and I felt the irritation melting away.  They were--are-- so cute.

And then today I met a single mother with five kids who has to work two jobs.  She said she and her kids share a two bedroom house.  Ouch.  I suddenly felt very, very guilty for wishing I had the luxury of sticking each of my kids in separate bedrooms and locking the door!

So, bottom line, I have it great.  Really, really great.  Sometimes it is easy to get hung up on the little things and forget the big picture.  I chose these kids, and they are the best choice I ever made.  I am really thankful I have them around, for so many reasons.  Even if every day isn't perfect, I would choose them over again every time.

I have some funny things to share with you soon!  Also, I know I'm crazy, but while I was in the writers groove I just decided to write a children's fantasy novel.  It has been fun.  I love that I can involve my kids this time around.  My oldest two beg for more, which is a good sign, so I've been trying to pump out a chapter or two each day during nap time, when possible.  It has been a fun creative outlet and good for bonding, too.  They also have surprisingly great ideas and always make me feel like a million bucks-- they've been very enthusiastic.  Have a great weekend!

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