Thursday, November 14, 2013

Goal Update and a Few Funnies

I haven't updated on goals for a while, so here goes.  :)

Remember when I updated our job chart?  We went from this (we still use it for Saturdays after all) to this:

The simplicity makes it easy to keep track of, but I'm kind of intermittent on the reinforcement end, so we've had mixed results.  I think it would work just fine if I kept up with it!  We find ourselves pretty busy on weekdays with sports, piano, dance, homework, etc, so I'm not too bent out of shape if I have to sweep the floor myself while someone practices, though I feel that I could definitely do better in this area.

Remember when I worked on some personal things like exercising and getting up early?  (it was a roller coaster!  I made it a goal a couple of times and struggled with it both times)  I have almost weaned the little one, which has made a huge difference in my energy levels (and wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be!).  He slept through the night for the first time a couple of months ago, after I'd cut back on the nursing (I know, I know, don't say what you're thinking :) ).  I have been able to get up early consistently and exercise, and it has been amazing!  I can't believe how much more I get done, too.  Somehow that has made the transition out of nursing easier (I was so worried I would be super sad when I was done nursing!).

Being able to exercise, sleep through the night, and be able to get things done around here has been a huge mood booster for me.  I'm planning on being completely done with nursing here in the next month or so (famous last words!  my loved ones are probably tired of hearing this), and this month I've been working on adding in a little more quality time with the little ones each day.  While I still don't know any better, I'd like to take the extra time I was spending nursing and spend it on the kids.  So far this month, we've been enjoying beautiful weather, so we've gone on a lot of bike rides, we've visited lots of parks, we even had a picnic in the back yard yesterday.  I'm always surprised (even though I know better) that I often feel a little harried before I spend time with the kids, with laundry and dishes and other things calling me away, but once I get started, I really enjoy myself and I'm always glad I did it.  The littlest boy has been asking me to do things "a-gether," as in, "come on, Mom!  Let's go down the slide a-gether!  Let's have lunch a-gether!" (he wants me to sit right next to him, I have to slide my chair right next to his)  So cute.

Here are a few funny things they've said recently.

E. looked at some pink clouds around sunset the other day and asked me-- "are they hot?" (the clouds)  When it looks like its going to rain, his older sister asks me if the clouds are "filthy."

E. calls the swimming pool the "swimming cool."

A. says funny things too.  One day she left a toy at a friends house and begged and begged to go back and get it.  I had so many other things going on it just wasn't too high on my priority list, you know?  Finally she said, "Mom, have mercy on a poor girl!  Can't we just go get it?  I mean, have mercy!"  That made me laugh, and it made me go get her giraffe.

E. choked the other night on something, and when he was done, he let out a breathy sigh of relief.  With big eyes he turned to my husband and said "I was...a dragon!"  Now he says that every time he coughs or gags.

The other day he told me "I need my coat.  My knees are cold."

I overheard the littlest girl having a very frank conversation with a couple of preschool friends one day and it struck me funny.  I tried to imagine adults having a similarly honest conversation and it made me laugh.  My daughter said to her friend, "you're my friend.  I like you.  But sometimes you're mean."  Her friend, not at all offended, nodded and said "yeah.  And sometimes when I come to your house I have fun and sometimes I get scared."  To which mine replied, "yeah, me too.  Sometimes when I go to your house I want to go home."

I hope you have a great weekend!  I forgot to report that my leg is feeling much better-- thank you for the concern some of you have so kindly shared!

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