Thursday, July 25, 2013

Famous Last Words

This has been a summer of famous last words!  The summer on steroids, at least part of it, is over.  Sniff.  Little girls off to school.

Here are some highlights of the week:

I was making a pie for my husband's birthday, which has become a tradition over the last few years after he revealed he isn't crazy about cake, when I got a little distracted for five minutes during a search for an ingredient.  When I returned, I found this.  This cute little boy who desperately needs a sand box, because he just does!  (He is so tempted by the kitty litter, too.  I have to have eyes like a hawk whenever he is anywhere near the garage.)

So, of course, I got out the camera, and my two enthusiastic helpers, and we joined in for a few minutes before shutting down the flour operation.  Cleaning up from the clean-up was an even bigger chore than the clean-up, if you know what I mean!  Ha.  That flour was spread to kingdom come, in little white footprints.  So cute, though, even if he filled his brand-new-yesterday shoes up with flour (they started out black, ha).

 This adorable. Face.  I'm in love.
 Sorry this is blurry.  He was just pleased as punch about the whole thing, if you know what I mean.
 Notice the circumference of the contamination zone spreading since photo number one.  A neighbor stopped by right as this was happening and I invited her in to have a good laugh!  She taught the kids how to write words in the flour with their fingers.  :)

 Birthday pie, a success.  Birthday boy, happy.
Aw, little girls off to school already?  What?  I'm trying to keep an open mind, here, hoping year round school will treat us well and make up for this short-summer inconvenience.  Gonna miss these faces, I tell you.

A couple more tidbits: the getting-the-baby-to-sleep-at-night thing is not working out.  Totally derailed on night number one when I took him back to his bed at he looked up at me through the dark, with little voice trembling, and said, "I'm scared."   How am I supposed to resist that?  The same thing has happened every night since.  And I just can't help it, but I just can't make him cry!  So I'm going to try a different tactic, maybe weaning him first?  See if that either gives me more energy or helps him sleep better?  All other goals are going just great, thank heavens-- something to balance out the epic night-training fail that didn't even last one night!

If you need travel advice or just a virtual vacation, check out my sister's travel blog here.  She has been everywhere, I tell you.  And she is really beautiful and smart, if I must say so myself.

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