Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Few Things

We tried our morning routine for the first time this morning, and I wish I could say it went off without a hitch, but it didn't!  Ha.  The kids didn't wake themselves up, we barely ate breakfast as the bus was pulling away, which meant I had to take the kids to school (0 minutes to spare, but not late), and I forgot to pack lunches!  Ouch.  It turned out okay, because I had a few errands to run, so I got out of my PJ's and got my errands done and picked something up for the kids for lunch.  I love eating with them at school and watching them show off the littlest ones to their friends and watching them interact with their friends and even -gasp!- girls (or boys, as the case may be).  It was a gorgeous day and I watched as my two oldest took turns taking the baby down a shiny metal slide over and over and he ate it up and the sun was warm on my back and I felt so good watching them run around after such a long winter.

Even though the morning routine wasn't hitch-less, it was still good!  My kids had their beds made before school for like the first time ever (not really, but close) and I didn't have to nag (okay, I did a tiny bit-- but mostly to remind them about the new routine!).

I can't remember if I shared this, but I learned the key to a routine is to keep whatever motivates them most for last.  For us, that is reading (yes, I confiscated two books this morning, and I didn't feel bad, because I see it as helping them and not being the bad guy), breakfast, chess or news on the computer (for my oldest, the news has been especially fascinating lately), or a quick game with me.

So, I'd count it as a success.  Just got to keep it going. :)

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