Saturday, May 5, 2012

Oreos For Breakfast

This week started out stressful but got better; I'm seeing positive changes in the kids and in myself since I started my project two weeks ago.

Thought I'd report on the collateral items I've been working on that affect my parenting; the first one I'm calling the Facebook antidote (symbolic of overuse of technology to connect with others):

1.  Get outside (been taking short walks, i.e. the bus stop... this has been good for the kids too)
2.  Interact with  more people face to face  (saw 5 neighbors on short walk with Tinkerbell; more quality time with kids & husband is increasing all of our bonded-ness)
3.  Spend quality alone time (sitting at my kitchen table one day, discovered the great view)

Trying to improve my energy levels by getting up early and exercising; mostly successful this week, even fit into some cute pants, though the button kept popping open every time I bent over (which I discovered is a lot).

Also working on relationship with spouse by getting out more often (something we're really bad at): went out last night with friends for a quick dinner and walk.   Super yummy berry salad, great conversation, walking as a flashlight-beam moon rose over mountains.  Kids were excited to see us when we got home and I was glad to see them!  It was just what we needed.  Missed our normal Friday night movie night with the kids, which made me sad-- maybe we can go out on a different day (even a week day) next time.

Kids to bed earlier-- another goal -- this one was mixed.  Some nights are hard with homework, stories, or activities that push too close to bedtime.  But even the nights we did get them to bed early helped (probably about half the nights).

What do you modify in your life to give you more energy for what is most important to you?

A good character is the best tombstone.  Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when the forget-me-nots have withered.  Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.
-- Charles H. Spurgeon

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