Friday, May 4, 2012

Tinkerbell the Good Fairy

I had a friend in need of some help so we canvassed a neighborhood for her.  This was our quality time today.  We walked by some horses I used to take this little girl to see when she was only six months old.  I can't believe how quickly she's changed!  I'm glad I'm trying to make the most of our time together.

She loved putting the fliers on people's doors; her princess cape would float behind her (it also got caught in the stroller wheel a few times; reminded me of the demise of super heroes with capes in The Incredibles).  It was a gorgeous crisp golden sunshine spring morning...couldn't help but love my new resolution to be outside (so glad we walked instead of drove!  We would have missed out on so much!)-- got a little sentimental watching my little princess; tried to memorize the moment.

I hope we can do things like this for quality time periodically to help her develop empathy and get in the habit of helping others!

“We grow up and look down, we grow old and look back.
Oh but what is was to be a child, to be a child! To have
the roads and the days all stretching out forward and upward and away,
not one of them yet missed or wasted or repented.
Everything in the world a newness and a novelty,
as it once was to the first beings of all creation.”

--Gary Jennings

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