Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Rogue Girl Boy Scouts

When my husband and son tromped off to scout camp last week, we girls + the littlest boy tromped off on an adventure of our own.  It was a fairly easy hike with a big pay-off.  The kids really loved it.  And I gave my inner scout some "time." (when I was a little girl, I wanted to be a scout so badly!  my dad was a scoutmaster)

 Daughter number three is entirely self dressed in any photos you have seen over the last year.  It is quite fun to see what she will come up with, though sometimes her outfits don't work quite as well for a particular occasion.

Happy Wednesday!  Sorry, I thought I'd blog more this week, but it's been crazy (when I don't plan ahead, and find that certain towns we're planning on staying in have been booked for six months, oops!)!  We're going on vacation next week, so I won't be around.  But I hope I'll have some fun photos when we get back, on July 10th-ish.

I will see you here Friday, if you dare! :)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Memorial Day Part 2 (One Month Later!)

Here are some photos of our second half of Memorial Day weekend.  We always visit my father-in-law for Memorial Day, remember Miguel's mom, and enjoy some crazy times with our wonderful growing extended family.  This usually means someone is playing the organ, someone is building with blocks or Lincoln logs, someone is holding the "kitty" (a really beleaguered looking thing, but they all fight over it), little girls concocting ideas and trailing around after one another as they implement said ideas, kids go outside to explore the barn or the sheep camp or to traipse through knee high grass, gingerly over-stepping animal pies, or just to watch a long-eyelashed jersey cow crunch down her lunch; the adults get in some conversation, fantastic food while my father-in-law is awake, junk food when he is asleep, some late night games.  We often go for a "picnic" in the mountains-- usually hot dogs.  And often we go fishing.  So nice to enjoy each other's company and a break from every day routines, as well as the beautiful rural surroundings.         

Sorry for the picture glut.  I just couldn't choose.

Sorry if this grosses you out.  The kids enjoyed looking at it.  Below, bro explains.

 I love how sweet his sister is being, too.


 Looking up at some sort of bug.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!  That your summer is going well so far!  I may post more this week, because next week we are going on vacation!  Wahoo!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Some Goals

(I had nothing to do with this ^^^.  Love the innocence of childhood and love the times when they help one another!)

Okay, so I haven't really talked about goals so far this month.

So here is what I've been working on and how it's going:

1 - Patience.  See end of post.

2 - Foster friendships.  I'm trying to do a better job at enabling my kids friendships.  It's just so easy to let them play at home, with each other.  And I often wait to have friends over until the house is clean, but the house is never clean!  And when it's really clean, the last thing I want is for my hard work to get undone quickly by a herd of happy friends.  So I've decided two things.  One, that I never cared whether my friend's houses were clean or dirty when I was a kid.  I cared about my friend.  I'm so glad their mothers didn't wait for a clean house, or I would have missed out on a lot of great memories.  So I'm going to swallow my pride and foster friendships regardless of the state of my house.  So far, this is going well, I think.  And part of this resolution has included car-pooling to soccer.  I'm surprised that I'm a little sad to let go of all the driving, just as I had started to find ways to enjoy it, like time to talk with the kids and listen to books together.  But my son needs some more friend time, so we switched to a team with a couple of his friends and have been carpooling.  It has been so nice, from a time perspective, and from a friend perspective.  Though I miss him and our bonding time with the other kids.

3 - Encourage exercise and outside time.  Learning about ADD has made me realize that exercise is a lifeline that I can't deny my kids.  (I think my own ADD was subconsciously causing me to keep them inside more often, because it's mentally hard for me to keep track of kids spread to kingdom come, and hard for me to round them up when the time comes)  So I've relaxed about letting them outside.  They have been biking around like crazy.  It's pretty cute.  The only sad thing, is that the littlest boy, who has an adventuresome spirit, runs away!  I can't tell you how many times I have had to run like the wind, Tonto, to catch him, and he can run fast (he bolts even faster when he sees me coming)!  He is not afraid to run away from home (four times while I was making dinner the other night!  I had to stop what I was doing and go chase him down, I'm sure my neighbors are having a good laugh).  So I have to lock the other kids out, to keep him in (he even learned how to get out through the garage!  I'm in trouble).  It makes me sad that he has to be stuck inside when I can't be out with him, but it's for his own good.  We have also been going on summer bike rides and went on a hike yesterday.  I love time like this together. (also: after a long injury, I have been tentatively exercising myself!  it feels SO good!)

4 - Get up-to-date work charts and rule lists.  I did a mini refresher on The Parenting Breakthrough (translation: I do way too much for my kids!) and made a list of the things my kids should be doing at their current ages and will be using as I update chore charts and move to a new system.  Will also be starting allowance!  We'll see how it goes.  I've also been trying to translate my new knowledge about ADD into routines/work charts, for example, piggybacking certain chores onto others, so they are easier to remember (ie, making bed right when you get out of it).  This is taking me much longer than expected.  I've let the kids veg out more than I should in an attempt to get it done.  Next year I'm doing it before school ends.  Oh yeah, and we're working on our summer bucket list.  You know what?  It was a little overwhelming to write down all the things my kids should be doing at their respective ages, but it was also exciting!  I am excited for them to learn some life time skills (and it will reduce my load, too).

Okay, on the patience thing, don't ask me why I saved this for last.  Just a little observation.  I used to think that patience was something someone either had or didn't have.  A quality, not a skill.  And while I do think that biology and nurture do make patience more difficult for some people than others, I now see it in a new light.  I think it is also a skill to be practiced, honed, and bettered.  And a habit to make or maintain.  I suffered from some moderate depression in the spring, as I found out about my diagnosis, and the possibility that several of my kids suffer from ADD as well.  As I've read more about it, I've found that post-diagnosis depression is very common (all the doomsday forecasting in the ADD books doesn't help!  you will become an alcoholic!  you will go to prison!  you will get in lots of car accidents!  your relationships will suffer!  on and on.  not exactly encouraging sometimes, though there are some rays in the clouds I'll relate when i get around to it!)  Back to the subject.  I was down, and I let myself get more snappish with the kids.  I am not normally like that.  But I let myself.  And let me tell you, it's not just a matter of telling yourself you are simply going back to the way things were before, there are now impatient habits that are hard to break!  So....just something to think about...patience is a habit.  It is also a skill we can practice and acquire, not just something we are or are not.

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Not Much of Anything?

I was about to write that last week was a whole bunch of nothin'.  But then I looked at the photos and realized that by nothin', I was remembering how I hadn't combed anyone's hair or even insisted that people wear pants or use utensils.  Sometimes it's nice to have a break from things like that.  Enjoying having my kids home!  Here goes our scraggly week in photos. :)

Some gardening and weeding action (desperately needed!) and some strawberry picking and spontaneous jam making (SO good!).

 Lots of sleeping in and snuggling.

 My girls made cupcakes on their own.  I found this little boy cleaning up the leftovers (oops)-- he told me, "Mom, I'm just wickin' it!"

 So much bike riding that this little girl has been wearing her bike helmet to dinner.  And the aforementioned no utensils.

 Some band camp (a sibling shot).  Maybe jr. high isn't going to be as bad as I thought-- it's been fun getting him ready.
 Someone doesn't want to feel left out on the band action.
 This one still adjusting to having sibs home all day.  Mostly good, but sometimes frustrating.
 Not happy that I wanted to take another picture.  I just had to get the snow boots/swimsuit/underwear combo.

 No utensils or hair combed or pants.  Again.
 Sleeping out in the back yard in the tent we gave to my hubby four years ago for Father's Day-- just using it for the first time.

Father's Day dinner-- since we hadn't used utensils all week and since I don't cook roasts hardly ever anymore, I was proud of myself and had to take a photo.  We had a great Father's Day-- pampered my husband (I think he enjoyed himself) and visited my dad, too!  So nice to go five minutes away and then come home and put the kids to bed!

Sorry I've been so neglectful.  So busy for some reason!   I hope you are having a wonderful summer so far!