Friday, June 7, 2013

Moving On

This boy just graduated from elementary school!  I am so proud of him.  I couldn't ask for a nicer kid.  He has been such a joy.

When we dropped him off at kindergarten for the first time, I surprised myself by bursting into tears.  A seasoned mom standing close by looked at me like I was crazy.  I thought maybe I was, as I wiped my wet cheeks and tried to pull myself together.  I thought I'd probably get over it some day too, and stand there like the rock she was.  But the first couple of years were still a little rough.  Every time I dropped him off, my heart would do a little number.  (it seems like forever before your little ones go to school, but once they get there, you think where did the time go?  Then it just goes faster and faster)  I had a good cry when I sent him off to first grade, too.  The last few years, though, have been a blur.  I got into a routine and sending him off to school was just part of it (unfortunately, my last parting words, to help him make it to the bus, are "RUN!" and then a "love you!").  And honestly, even though this is the end of an era, I am so proud of who he is becoming (he was always wonderful!  it is fun to see how he is progressing).  His teacher has said he has been such a joy for her to teach that she would just love to take him home with her (so thankful for good teachers! and she is just awesome).  On this day we got to sit on the grass slurping watermelon and crunching conversation between our chips at the 6th grade grad luncheon-- laughing about how some kids in his grade anonymously invited the local cop (she is young and blonde after all) to get a "couples pass" to the local trampoline park, or one who posted a tiny note with a ring drawn on it and two boxes marked "yes" or "no."  

So thankful for him, even though I'll always miss my little boy, I wouldn't trade who he is today for anything!   Such a privilege to watch him grow.

Memories.  Ah.
Had a little mishap with a jutting rock on our school clothes shopping trip a couple of days before the start of school.  My hubby teased him, calling him "geyser" for a while because he was looking back to see if a fountain was going to spout water when he ran into the rock.

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