Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Rogue Girl Boy Scouts

When my husband and son tromped off to scout camp last week, we girls + the littlest boy tromped off on an adventure of our own.  It was a fairly easy hike with a big pay-off.  The kids really loved it.  And I gave my inner scout some "time." (when I was a little girl, I wanted to be a scout so badly!  my dad was a scoutmaster)

 Daughter number three is entirely self dressed in any photos you have seen over the last year.  It is quite fun to see what she will come up with, though sometimes her outfits don't work quite as well for a particular occasion.

Happy Wednesday!  Sorry, I thought I'd blog more this week, but it's been crazy (when I don't plan ahead, and find that certain towns we're planning on staying in have been booked for six months, oops!)!  We're going on vacation next week, so I won't be around.  But I hope I'll have some fun photos when we get back, on July 10th-ish.

I will see you here Friday, if you dare! :)

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