Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Rocky Mountain Horror Show

(I found this sight after climbing out of a ten minute shower one day....hard to see, but a little girl had snipped her hair-- evidence at the bottom of the photo, and a little boy had gotten into my makeup, including sticking his whole hand into the Vaseline jar....but it got worse....a few days ago, I emerged to find Vaseline everywhere, all over the carpet, and laundry strewn across the room-- the work of a few minutes!  I'm still learning you see :) )  Good thing they are so adorable!  And I'm thankful its a sign they have a healthy dose of curiosity and energy!

We've had one of those weeks.  Not a bad week, per se, but a very interesting one.  It has been so fun having the kids home from school, and we've had a couple of adventures so far (on Monday, we went to Epic, and on Tuesday, we went to a reading thing at the library with a friend).

But laced among the adventures have been some, well, adventures.  Adventures with bodily fluids, mostly.  I have two kids with sinus infections, who have been coughing so hard they throw up.  One of them, in the car on the way to the doctor's office, in his cupped hands.  I was summoned to the bedroom of an entirely different child in the middle of the night to clean sheets and carpet from another such accident.  An hour of cleaning later (and multiple dry heaves suppressed), I went to bed, not thinking much of it, only to witness her have a similar accident all across the kitchen floor first thing this morning (sorry this is so graphic).  When a four year old recognizes she is having the urge to throw up, there is no running to the bathroom, it is happening NOW.  Poor girl.  She keeps asking me how she can make her tummy feel better.   Aw, so sad that the revelation there is nothing to be done for stomach bugs comes so young.  A different child has started getting sudden bloody noses in the night.  Since she lives on the top bunk it is also hard to get to the bathroom, so her bed cover and sheets looked like WWIII.  She slept with half a roll of toilet paper, all balled up, as a preventative measure last night.

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