Showing posts with label Fun Times Together. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fun Times Together. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Not Much of Anything?

I was about to write that last week was a whole bunch of nothin'.  But then I looked at the photos and realized that by nothin', I was remembering how I hadn't combed anyone's hair or even insisted that people wear pants or use utensils.  Sometimes it's nice to have a break from things like that.  Enjoying having my kids home!  Here goes our scraggly week in photos. :)

Some gardening and weeding action (desperately needed!) and some strawberry picking and spontaneous jam making (SO good!).

 Lots of sleeping in and snuggling.

 My girls made cupcakes on their own.  I found this little boy cleaning up the leftovers (oops)-- he told me, "Mom, I'm just wickin' it!"

 So much bike riding that this little girl has been wearing her bike helmet to dinner.  And the aforementioned no utensils.

 Some band camp (a sibling shot).  Maybe jr. high isn't going to be as bad as I thought-- it's been fun getting him ready.
 Someone doesn't want to feel left out on the band action.
 This one still adjusting to having sibs home all day.  Mostly good, but sometimes frustrating.
 Not happy that I wanted to take another picture.  I just had to get the snow boots/swimsuit/underwear combo.

 No utensils or hair combed or pants.  Again.
 Sleeping out in the back yard in the tent we gave to my hubby four years ago for Father's Day-- just using it for the first time.

Father's Day dinner-- since we hadn't used utensils all week and since I don't cook roasts hardly ever anymore, I was proud of myself and had to take a photo.  We had a great Father's Day-- pampered my husband (I think he enjoyed himself) and visited my dad, too!  So nice to go five minutes away and then come home and put the kids to bed!

Sorry I've been so neglectful.  So busy for some reason!   I hope you are having a wonderful summer so far!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Natural History Museum

Enjoy these photos of a recent trip to our local science museum.  It was very well done and we all enjoyed it!  I love seeing the exploratory look on little one's faces.

 Notice the look on this little boy's face?  He said "scared."  The see-through floor was creeping him out.  That's why we need sisters to come to the rescue!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Snow Day

 Love those legs!

 This is how this boy feels about watching trains on TV.  Especially after all those cold tickly things landing on his face.

A good snow day.  Note, our sleds must be in my husband's car, so we had to improvise!  The kayak made for a fun ride around the neighborhood and a good workout for me. :)  Here is a quote from one our favorite old movies, Blackbeard's Ghost-- "that was more fun that riding a humpback whale in a hurricane!"

How are your resolutions coming?  Here is a link to a radio program that made me swear off sugar forever (it lasted about three days)-- it was very sobering (note, the doc in the program does not have the best bedside manner, but has some very interesting things to say!)  His book is titled:

"Fat Chance: Beating The Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease"


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Harpy New Ear

We enjoyed a slow New Years Day together after a (sort of) late night drinking a little apple-juice bubbly, because we're fancy like that.  :)

Notice Emerson, who zonked out in his high chair.  SO cute!   And a whole buncha' holiday junk food.

Playing games with the grandparents.

Holiday hair, too.

The dad does projects, because he is awesome like that.

My hands grew to mommy size overnight and I'm not sure how I feel about it!

Sledding!  Coooooolllllddddd.   And an icy hill made for a crazy run!  But it was so fun!  A fave new activity.

Probably my favorite photo of the day!  Love these guys~ it's so fun to watch them, they really get into sledding.

Reminded me of when my husband and I were just friends; we went sledding very late at night on a steep icy hill all alone in the moonlight.  It was so packed down and fast that we kept hurting ourselves.  Only, we laughed and laughed in a sort of can't-control-ourselves-sick sort of way.  We nicknamed the various hills.  One was "The Scraper," and another was "T-bone," because it really did a number on your tailbone, if you know what I mean.  One of my favorite early memories with my husband.

How was your New Years?  Do you like to be lazy, or get things done?  Any traditions?  Do you stay up until midnight?  I'm boring-- my sleep is so precious and sparse, I'd rather be sleeping!

Goals tomorrow!   Tortoise and the hare, I tell you.