Showing posts with label Husband. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Husband. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Harpy New Ear

We enjoyed a slow New Years Day together after a (sort of) late night drinking a little apple-juice bubbly, because we're fancy like that.  :)

Notice Emerson, who zonked out in his high chair.  SO cute!   And a whole buncha' holiday junk food.

Playing games with the grandparents.

Holiday hair, too.

The dad does projects, because he is awesome like that.

My hands grew to mommy size overnight and I'm not sure how I feel about it!

Sledding!  Coooooolllllddddd.   And an icy hill made for a crazy run!  But it was so fun!  A fave new activity.

Probably my favorite photo of the day!  Love these guys~ it's so fun to watch them, they really get into sledding.

Reminded me of when my husband and I were just friends; we went sledding very late at night on a steep icy hill all alone in the moonlight.  It was so packed down and fast that we kept hurting ourselves.  Only, we laughed and laughed in a sort of can't-control-ourselves-sick sort of way.  We nicknamed the various hills.  One was "The Scraper," and another was "T-bone," because it really did a number on your tailbone, if you know what I mean.  One of my favorite early memories with my husband.

How was your New Years?  Do you like to be lazy, or get things done?  Any traditions?  Do you stay up until midnight?  I'm boring-- my sleep is so precious and sparse, I'd rather be sleeping!

Goals tomorrow!   Tortoise and the hare, I tell you.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Date Night

We've been enjoying our twice monthly dates since the first month of my project (idea is to work on collateral areas that affect our parenting and give us a little breather here and there so we can work harder on being good parents when we are around).  Only, we still take the baby.  See what we did on this date:

Ha ha.  Maybe we should consider starting to leave him home.  He is just in that separation anxiety phase, which I don't want to do to anyone, and he is so easy to bring along. 

  (Sorry... I couldn't resist....this ad made me laugh!  All the models announcing the coming of a new store really look enthusiastic-- as the sign says  "we can't wait either!"  -- I'd hate to see them when they weren't excited.  Ha ha)

Anything special you like to do on dates with your significant other?