Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Growing Up

My little boy is growing up!  When did this happen?  He is almost as tall as I am now.  Thanks for indulging my little trip down memory lane, here, including, ug, some beauties with me in them (trying to "get in the picture!").  So glad I no longer own any scrunchies or garbage-bag-like maternity clothes.  I initially made a little slideshow, complete with a cheesy song, but it was way too long.  When I tried to show it to him, he kept asking when it was going to be over. :)  (The song I found to put on the slideshow makes me cry, its called You and Me by Frances England, you can listen to it on this video)

He has always been such a delight.  Such a happy, easy going kid, who loves to talk and tell jokes, read, and spend time together.   I couldn't ask for a nicer big brother to all his younger siblings.

Before I had kids, I always looked forward to parenthood with excitement and trepidation at the same time. What kind of parent would I be?  How would I feel about my child?  I worried that staying home with just one child might feel like a waste of time.  But looking back, the time I spent with this boy, and any of my kids for that matter, has been the best-spent time of all.  My favorite memories, even when on a particular day I had to leave dishes, time for myself, or something else waiting at home, are of these little people.  I will always treasure the time I had with each one of them--there has not even been one time spent together that I have thought of as a waste, even if it was less than ideal (some less than ideal times need a little space before realizing the good in them, right?).  There is a part of me that will always look back sentimentally and wish to hold my little boy again, or do something differently, but I will never regret the time I spent with him, and in some ways it makes the passage of time a little easier to take-- that I know I did my best to make the most of it.   Right from the start, I was so in love with this little boy, for good reasons.  He has changed my life in so many ways for the better.  The things people say about having kids, is true.   While there can be frustrating and exhausting and discouraging days, they get in your heart and you will never be the same.

(see here for something I wrote about how having him and parenting changed my life)

 We had a favorite park within walking distance of our house when we lived in England.  We went there often to play or explore the woods or have a picnic.

These two have always had a special relationship, in spite of what would seem to be evidence to the contrary here.

 Cutest big brother ever.  But I'm biased.

Even though I will always feel such a fondness when I think about my little boy, I sure love that my arm fits comfortably around his shoulders, that he gets my jokes, plays with the little ones, and is such a pleasant, happy kid.  My life would definitely not be the same without him.  One of the best choices I have ever made.

Great, great kid.

How has parenting changed you?  In what ways is it different than you expected?  Better?  

Monday, February 25, 2013

Winter Zoo

We went to the zoo on the kids recent day off school.  I have enjoyed a couple of our winter jaunts to the zoo because there was hardly anyone else there.  The littlest one was such a delight to watch.  He was so enthusiastic about the different animals, imitating sounds (his monkey sound was so adorable, let me tell you) and calling everything enthusiastically a "tiger!" until I would tell him an animal's correct name.

 When he saw these statues, of course he said "a tiger! a tiger!"  So we took some tiger pics.

 This little girl loves to take photos.  Not sure how she felt about the cold, though.

Friday, February 22, 2013


This little girl turned seven last week!  I just can't believe it.  Sure love this girl.

 I was woefully unprepared for her birthday, considering that her emergency surgery threw us off.  The day before the blessed event, I told her she could have her friends over the next week, at which news she promptly burst into tears.  So I called all of her friends and invited them over for a party the very next day, on her actual birthday.  They were such good sports.  I had to get gifts and things for the party at the last minute; in my desperation I visited a Ross-like local store and found kits for a couple of different crafts and the cute cupcake holders pictured above.  We made sock puppets, painted rocks, and decorated cupcakes.  It went well in spite of its last minute nature (and being 30 minutes late to her own party, due to a miscommunication with Grandpa, oops), and I think she was happy (she loves crafts).

Feeling extra thankful for this sweet girl who adds a kind and loving and spunky/fun spirit to our home!  It is indeed very boring around here without her.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

How I Teach My Kids Their Colors

I don't know how other people do it, but with my five kids I have found this method to work when teaching young ones their colors.  I like to point out different objects of the same color (this works great on a walk-- I like the color red to start with, because there are things like fire hydrants and stop signs), or similar objects of different colors.  I have used these blocks to teach each one of my kids, because it fits the similar object theory, and we can organize the blocks according to color.  With my others, I started shortly after their first birthday and expect that the colors and concept won't click completely for six months or so.  I know this feels like a young time to start, but in some ways it reduces pressure because you know there is plenty of time, and they really are sponges at this age.

I don't know how many times I had to make a concerted effort to sit down and work with them on colors, but I'm sure it took less than ten.  Once they get it, it is pretty easy for them.

I waited longer than usual with my last little boy.  Today we finally got to spend a little more quality time together than we have over the last couple of weeks as we had no doctors to visit or places to be  (by the way, our little girl is doing well!  she got a "clean" X-ray yesterday and her blood markers are showing back to normal!  Wahoo!).  I'm not sure the color part sunk in, but he loved the tower building and matching up the colored cars to the different colored towers.  I forgot how therapeutic it can be to play cars with little ones.  So fun.

How do you teach your kids their colors?

Monday, February 18, 2013

Little Boy Playing

Off to the zoo today with the littles.  Enjoy this video.  I caught this little one playing and loved watching the world through his eyes for a few minutes.  Sure going to miss watching those new little eyes and discovery some day.  If you don't have time for the whole thing, skip to 1:45 (to 2:05) and watch how he spontaneously shimmies to the music.  :)