Thursday, May 16, 2013

Teaching Siblings How to Get Along & Reducing Sibling Rivalry

No matter how calmly you try to referee, parenting will eventually produce bizarre behavior, and I’m not talking about the kids. Their behavior is always normal.

--Bill Cosby

Before I had kids, I thought that kids either got along, or they didn't.  And I thought that fighting siblings was just going to be part of the parenting territory, something to be expected.

Then my first two kids surprised me.  They just got along so well, right from the first.  Even if my older son was a bit, shall we say, enthusiastic, in his love for little sister?

I learned a few things, I'm convinced, completely by accident.  Because my kids fight way less than I ever expected them to (they still fight, trust me, but they are good buddies most of the time).   Others I learned from some wonderful seasoned mothers that I still feel so grateful to!  So, take them or leave them, here they are.

1)  Start from birth.

I know this can be hard, but involve older siblings in the care of the new baby.  Approach baby care tasks as a team when appropriate.  My older kids have enjoyed helping to bathe baby, coax out first smiles, or just gaze in wonder at new little sister.  As they bond to their new sibling as partnered with their bestie, Mom, it will increase your bond too, as long as you don't totally ignore the older child's needs.  I still gooed and gahed at my babies, but I tried to do it sensitively (look at her beautiful eyes!  lets look at yours now too!), and tried not to treat big bro or sis as a nuisance (I definitely felt it sometimes!).  It can be hard to be patient with an enthusiastic sibling (and protect that baby!  don't do anything outside of safety guidelines), but being patient with their form of love will pay off.  I tried to let baby be my guide (as advised by a very wise mother who I am still thankful to!).  If older sibling is doing something annoying, but the baby is not crying (it shocked me, but sometimes baby is even smiling!), don't intervene.  Just step in to protect baby from harm (this will also help relations, as baby will feel safe, knowing you will protect him/her), or if baby seems fussy or overwhelmed by big bro.

2)  Avoid comparisons, including words with "er" or "est."

This can become a habit before you know it!  I try not to use comparing words, like pretti-er, fast-est, etc. because they are comparing words that place people in a hierarchy.  Fast-est implies that someone is faster than someone else.  I just say pretty, or fast.  If I have to use comparing words, I use them for only that child-- "you are my favorite Ava in the whole world!" (we don't know any other Avas) rather than "you are the fastest girl in the world!"  I don't want my kid to define success as being relative, nor do I want him/her to feel my love is conditioned on performance, especially in relation to their own family.

Might seem finicky, but it works.

3)  Don't encourage competition between siblings.

Again, learned from a friend who learned this the hard way.  In her case, she would motivate her kids to get ready for bed by making bed prep a race-- with each other.  Her kids are now in their twenties and still don't get along super well, as they define success as being "better" than the other one!  My friend lamented about this long after it was too late to change it.  If we must race, I will have them race a parent or the clock.  But I try (not perfectly!) not to put them in competition with each other, as this sets up the inevitable loser for whining and jealousy that is often directed at the winning sibling.

4)  Give each child plenty of love and attention.

I know, I know!  Easier said than done.  But my kids behave the best when they've gotten enough love and attention from me.

5)  Don't play favorites.  In addition to obvious psychological damage, the jealous child will take out feelings of lowered self worth out on the favorite child.

6)  Teach them how to communicate.

Teach them how to ask kindly for a toy or a turn. They really aren't born knowing, in spite of my early misconceptions. :) Also, teach them words that they can use when they are frustrated or upset.  It is important that you validate their point of view, even if you feel a bit threatened by an emotion like anger ("you are angry.  You wanted a turn with that toy and it hurt your feelings when Suzi wouldn't share it with you.").  When you validate a child's point of view, she will be less likely to make herself heard by amping up the noise level or using some other odious means of showing that she is truly upset.  I will often ask my kids to take a first step of communicating to a playmate or sibling their frustration ("Go back and tell Suzi--I felt bad when you took my toy.  Can I have it back please?"), before I get involved.

I don't punish my kids for tattletale-ing, unless it is egregious or mean-spirited, but I do often provide a listening ear and some suggestions for them to try before I get involved.  I don't punish telling in part because I want to make sure I'm helping the other sibling learn, too (no way do I want the other  child to get away with taking toys right and left!  I am responsible for teaching him/her too).

7)  Teach them how to share.

Again, you can start from a young age.  Make a game out of it.  I give this to you, and you give it back.  Then make a big deal when they do share, clapping and hooray-ing.  Try to notice and praise sharing in regular play too.

8)  As long as no one is in immediate danger of death or dismemberment, give them a minute to work it out.  Working out conflict might be unpleasant to listen to but it teaches them an important life skill.  Unless, see below.

9)  Don't tolerate hitting, name calling, belittling, toy-taking, aggressive or bullying behavior.  I enjoyed this blog post: "Boys Will Be Boys: Is it Sibling Fighting or Bullying?"

I personally don't think bullying (don't be in denial, even if they are "good at heart!") should ever be tolerated.  We must stick up for our kids, for they have no way to escape a bullying brother or sister.  Bullying isn't always physical in nature, either.  It can include name calling, put downs, exclusion, to name a few.

10) Consequences.

Some of the biggies for me are: no hitting (immediate time out for anything physically aggressive), no toy taking (the toy must be returned immediately, even if I must pry it from their cold dead fingers), no name calling (time out).  It is pretty amazing just how many fights stem from these three behaviors.

11)  Negative behaviors like this respond best to consistency.  

Every time one yells, hits, or takes a toy, if he/she consistently receives an unemotional consequence (though I do like to offer a little "I love you" and maybe a hug on the way to time-out), the behavior will be drastically reduced if not eliminated.  (consistency! ha!  I can't believe I'm talking about consistency!  my arch enemy!  but for some reason, I can be more consistent with aggressive behavior, because it pushes my mothering buttons big time)  Consistency will really pay off with better behavior in the long run.

12)  Catch them doing something good.

Sometimes it is hard to praise our kids for playing well.  Because we want to tiptoe around and whisper, afraid to upset this beautiful status quo because we need a little break or we need to get to those crusty last-night dishes.  But it is important to reinforce good behavior with positive attention (The Power of Positive Parenting, Latham, teaches that behaviors that are paid attention to, good or bad, are reinforced).

Give attention when things are going well.  If you only pay attention when there is a problem or a fight, and your child isn't getting enough positive attention, she will learn that the best way to get your attention is to pull Suzi's hair or take Suzi's toy.

13) Demonstrate alternatives when a sibling is being aggressive. 

After a time out, I will often have the perpetrator hug the offended sibling.  Sometimes I will demonstrate acceptable forms of contact by taking his/her hand in mine and showing him how to pat a sibling gently on the shoulder or back or head, in place of more aggressive actions.  :)

Or we will rehearse the verbage needed in a conflict situation.  Teach them how to use words to ask for a turn with a toy or in explaining to the other child why his feelings were hurt.

14)  When more diplomatic measures have failed, put a fought-over toy in time out.  (be prepared for a tantrum!  but better behavior afterward)

Or use a timer to enforce a pre-determined sharing schedule.  I have a couple of non-sharers.  They would never choose to share of their own free will.  So if they have a toy and someone else wants a turn, I will set the timer for a few minutes for each child.  After a couple of turns they usually lose interest in the toy.  It is easy to argue with mom, but hard to argue with a timer.

15)  Teach by example-- keep your voice down, don't spank.  

When I'm in a bad mood, I often notice my kids lashing out more at each other.  Studies have shown that kids who are spanked are more likely to act in physically aggressive ways.

16)  Make sure they get plenty of rest and are offered regular meals.

My kids are more emotional and more likely to take little slights personally when they are tired or hungry.

17)  Listen.  

Like Atticus Finch.  With no preconceptions and without rushing to judgement in order to get this over with.

Here is a funny story (#3) about how Bill Cosby reacted to a fight between his kids.  He said: "Parents aren't interested in justice, they're interested in quiet!"

 I'm surprised what I learn when I just listen instead of simply trying to earn peace at any price.  (lets face it, we are all tired sometimes, no matter how idealistic the parenting books make it sound, and I know I have been guilty once in a while of pretending I didn't see something just so I wouldn't have to deal with it!)

18)  Focus sympathy on the victim, put the perpetrator in time out, unemotionally, with little fanfare.

19)  Its okay to let them work it out if no one is in immediate danger (no name calling, hitting, etc).  Just listen and see how things play out before intervening.

20) Spend quality bonding time together as a group.  

If your children are always rushing off in different directions, to lessons and playdates and sports games, they don't have time to bond.  Make sure you have some unscheduled down time so they can just play.  Sibling relationships will last much longer than that soccer trophy or the playmate on the corner.

Vacations are a lifeline in this sense for me too.  We go on one vacation a year, and it is like a religion to me. We really grow closer through shared experiences, good and bad.

Another small thing that has helped us is having a nightly family prayer/scripture reading activity (very, very short).  Having daily times when the whole family is together provides grounding moments just as a lightning rod grounds a harmful electrical charge.  It gives a child a sense of togetherness, stability, and belonging. (Have you read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn?  It amazed me how much those children thrived by reading one page out of the Bible and one page of Shakespeare each day as a family)

21)  Teach them to serve each other.

Write a kind note to one child  (or do something unexpectedly nice) and involve a sibling as a helper.  I have found that once I have done this a couple of times my kids will instigate acts of kindness without my prompting (this comes back to you, too!).  

21)  A little empathy goes a long way.

Try to put yourself in your child's shoes.  Try to see what her worries and fears are.  Imagine what it must be like to be her for a day.  Sometimes I can figure out why a particular child is lashing out at another one, when I see the pressures or challenges she faces, challenges that may be totally unrelated to the sibling being lashed out at.  (also, when I think of toy sharing, I wonder how I would feel if my neighbor just walked over, pulled me out of my driver's seat, and sped away with my car, one reason I won't tolerate toy-taking)

In addition, I try to help a frustrated sibling, in private, understand what is going on in her brother's world for example.  I might explain to her that he is struggling with a teacher at school, or he didn't make the soccer team, that he is sad inside and we just need to be extra patient with him right now.  I'm amazed at how these little chats will diffuse anger and increase empathy and understanding among siblings.


Kids need a chance to learn how to work things out on their own, but there are also times kids need to be taught how to get along!  Plain and simple.  Also, if children learn that they are "safe"-- that you won't allow them to be pushed around, they have higher self esteem and are more likely to handle conflict with clear heads and kind hearts.
Now I know some of this post may seem contradictory.  Intervene, don't intervene, teach them how to get along, but don't give too much attention to negative behavior.  Don't worry!  You'll figure it out.  You are not perfect, and neither are your kids.  Some kids just get along better than others, no matter what you do.  But there are also plenty of things you can do to improve the odds!  The things they are learning in this crucible called family will help them with communication, conflict resolution, empathy, and relationships the rest of their lives.
You will still have bad days.  But I hope these suggestions will help you as they have helped me, to reduce and eliminate some common causes of sibling rivalry so your house can be a more peaceful place to be!

Is there anything I missed?  How do you help your kids get along?

Dearest ones, I will be gone tomorrow!  Until next week!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Moving Day

Okay, so I was just going to get on here and tell you, my dear friends, that I wasn't going to be around today!  Helping move my parents today (right now I'm just waiting out a little one's nap!).  Instead here I am, posting a whole bunch of unedited photos.  I just couldn't resist!  I'm so happy that we can finally get outside again!  And I love how beautiful the world looks in the spring.  I'm looking forward to some more adventures with the kids this summer just like last summer.

Moving my parents is a little bittersweet.  Moving has never been easy for me-- I get attached to places way more than I should.  My parents have been in their current town ever since my oldest kids were small.  I love thinking back to happy times visiting my parents from out of state, playing in a backyard pool, jumping on the trampoline, popsicles, barbeques, chasing kids across the lawn, swings, walks, cookies, crafts, extra hands to help me and love my little ones, and treasured time with my parents (lots of great talks!).  Maybe that is why the memories are especially sweet- so many people I love in one place, without the usual distractions.  And any place I watch my kids grow will always have a special place in my heart.

But, on the flipside, I am happy that my parents can make any place feel like home!  The reason the places they leave are so bittersweet is that I have happy memories in those places.  So I guess the fact that these moves make me a little sentimental is a sign of my blessings-- that I have made happy memories with people I love.

And...I am so excited to have them moving closer to me!  SO excited!  It has gotten harder to travel to them since my older kids have gotten involved with school and sports.  Looking forward to happy memories in their new place.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Grouch Queen Gets Lickin' on Mother's Day

(my cute little weeding helper-- I tried to retrieve a sun hat for her, but she wanted her winter hat!)

I don't know why (well, I do, I guess I'll get to that), but I was the grouch queen this weekend.

I decided to go on a cleaning rampage on Friday.   It involved cleaning and organizing to a greater degree than I've done in the last couple of years since baby was born.  It felt good.  It felt good until those first shoes walked on my clean floor (clean floors are extra precious around here, since they don't come often or easily!), until the first crumbs were dusted in a little Hansel and Gretel trail, until window smearings and suspicious sticky spots.  We cleaned out the older kids' closets, put winter clothes away (thank you K.J. Payne), and weeded like crazy on Saturday.  My husband and son went to help my parents move, so the girls and I were on our own for the weeding.  It was hot.  They got tired fast.  There were a ton of weeds.  I guess I had blocked them out a little too well.   We all got sweaty and dirty and tired.  I had to keep stopping to make sure the littlest boy hadn't run away or gotten himself elbow deep in the kitty litter (he thinks it's his sand box).  I totally bribed everyone with periodic treats (I have tried really hard not to use food as a reward, remember when I worked on that? but it went out the window Saturday).  When I pulled out some Gatorade for one of the "treats" (I was using some psychology here, since my little girl had been begging for it that morning), my little boy started saying "I want alligator."  I finally figured out what he meant!  Ha.  You know what, even though I was tired and grumpy, I really enjoyed several hours working together.  My kids had cycles of good helping and not, but it was fun to just be able to talk without trying to multi-task physically and mentally.  I especially enjoyed chatting with my 9 year-old, as she was the least distracted by things like the sprinkler, the cats, or the baby.

After some washer/dryer/fridge moving (we traded my parents washer/dryer), more frantic floor scrubbing after dirty men's shoes clomped about, helping my daughter finish her closet (she dumped her entire bottom-half closet contents in her room, which I helped her with in 5 minute intervals, returning to strain this old back as we hauled in the new washer, frantically wiped down the shoe prints again, then re-vacuumed my daughter's room).  I mean really, I thought, is it unreasonable to expect my house to stay clean for one day, just 24 hours?  Is that too much to ask?

I decided that trying to clean and then keep clean a house with lots of small children is like trying to pour water into a sieve and then drink it.  If you try hard enough, long enough, you're still not going to be able to drink out of it but you sure are going to be frustrated.

Another reason I was grumpy, I had a temporary crown fall out (it's ok, it was really bothering me).  I realized that I have a low tolerance for nagging, annoying pain (but I didn't scream when I gave birth naturally this last time, even though my husband claimed that I did almost bite him-- I wasn't really going to do it).  I also realized that I probably won't be getting braces soon like I had maybe hoped (ugly teeth, I did have braces for 4 years once!), as I don't want to feel so grumpy in the years when I am mom to some little ones who have to be around me all day. :)

Adding to sleep deprivation was a middle of the night visit by one of our cats (!).  Since they are outside cats it was kind of a shock to hear a meow outside my bedroom in the middle of the night.  They've also learned how to climb on our roof, and since we've slept with the windows open a couple of nights, they will meow outside our bedroom window (the one that got in must have gotten through the one window without a screen, I took it out to clean while on my cleaning rampage).

And, those extra baby pounds have been getting me down a little lately.  I just feel so...gross.  I really don't like to look in the mirror.  And, to add to it, I've had a few "fat" comments lately by well-meaning people.

On Mother's Day morning, I wasn't exactly in the best of moods.  I'd become a house nazi overnight, and it wasn't fun for any of us. :)

But the kids were so attentive, as usual, as attentive as little ones can be.  My middlest daughter was especially sweet, she was like the Mother's Day police, keeping everyone in line and apprised of what they should or should not be doing to make my day go well.

At church I was still grumpy when said middle daughter tried to follow me into the mothers room for a feeding (I was wearing a dress!  Fantastic!  But how was I expecting to nurse? lol).  I wasn't very nice, and I told her that for Mother's Day I just wanted her to go sit with the rest of the family.  I felt very badly as I watched her walk out a little deflated.  I'm still feeling badly about this.

Then we had a lesson on motherhood by a woman who doesn't consider herself a very good mother and who admitted that she hates Mother's Day (her reasons= guilt and expectations).  And you know what?  The lesson was fantastic, just what I needed to hear.  A lot of different women spoke up about what it is that motivates them as a mother, and how they keep things in perspective.  The power in the room was thick, it was palpable-- because there were so many great women in one place who really believed in motherhood, women who saw that the real powers of motherhood go way deeper than what you can see-- way deeper than a sink full of dirty dishes or an un-mopped floor, into the hearts and minds of little ones who will carry their mother's love for a lifetime.  Through good and bad.  I think mothers provide the roots, so to speak, of happiness.

Sometimes we get derailed on the little details of life and miss the big picture.  Did it really matter whether my floor stayed immaculate?  Or my little one followed me to the mothers room when she was supposed to be with the family?  I realized that one of the biggest things I need to remember is-- who I am.  I didn't start out thinking that motherhood was all about keeping my entry way floor mopped at all times or felt she had to look like a supermodel.  I started out fired up to be that warm, nurturing presence, the motivator, the listener, the teacher, the cheerleader.  I may not be perfect, but I am the person most uniquely suited to my kids needs.  I may not be a fantastic seamstress, or well-organized, or many things that other women are.  But I love my kids.  They are my life.  Literally.  I would give my life for them, and I do, every day.  That is what matters, loving them and being the best me I can be.  Sometimes I get thinking I have to be someone else, especially someone else who is cleaner with fewer weeds, and I forget to be me.  I can still clean and pull weeds (within reason!), but not lose who I am in the process.  That is what my kids want and need, the best version of me.  And even though I will never be perfect, I can keep on trying to be better, because it is love and effort that really matter in the end.

I have been in a little funk lately, I'm sure some of you have noticed or suspected.  :)  Mother's Day this year was just what I needed to remind me of why I am doing this.  Of the point of it all.  That what I do matters!  It really, really matters.  More than just about anything else on this entire planet.  My dishes will be here tomorrow, but tomorrow my child will be one day older and I can't get that back.

I was going to explain the lickin' reference, but I decided to refrain from blackening a certain childs name.  Someone had a very grand tantrum on Mother's Day, the other kids were quite aghast and solemn afterward.  But, fresh from a great Mother's Day lesson, I kept my cool and carried said offender to her room for a nice chance to think.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Some Mother's Day Photos

I had a great day, thanks.  I hope all of you did too!  I started a post about Mother's Day (hint: I started out the weekend, and the day, nice and grouchy!), I'll post tomorrow.

Here are a few photos of the day!

My son said he "guessed low" on my weight-- 35 pounds!  I guess I must be training him right.  Also, notice how grumpy I look.  I know he would never do that intentionally, must be subconscious.  :)

 End Mother's Day photos...
Start, random photos of my four year-old's birth.  I found these on Mother's Day and they brought back the raw joy I feel on the day a child is born.  I have loved introducing siblings to their new baby, as well.  Kind of the essence of motherhood, for me.  Love these guys so much.

A Mother's Manifesto

What I'm not:

a maid
a short order cook
a chauffeur

what I am:

Friday, May 10, 2013

Motherhood Poem

Fresh Start

The day we brought

You home from the





The trees were frosted in

Delicate neon


Cluttered with milk-white popcorn blossoms;

The robin was busy

Building her


Under the eaves of the


Everything bright, clean, new,

As if the world’s beginning

Were just for me and you.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Some More Free Mothers Day Ideas and A Blessed Video

For more free Mother's Day ideas: I love and relate to the free ideas on this blog (almost at the end of the post), suggestions like a nap!  Or sleeping in.  When I told my dentist that visits to the dentist chair have become a huge treat because all I have to do is sit/lie there for an hour, he said that he hears that from moms all the time!  Ha.

Last year my kiddos showered me with handmade cards and notes and sweet little acts of affection.  There is nothing that quite fills my heart the same way.  To know that all my acts big and small have been making a difference to my dear little people, even if they don't seem to notice on a daily basis.  And even though I am an imperfect mother.  (being on throw up duty this whole week as a fun bug has cascaded through the entire family has to fall into the "big" category for me)  :)

Enjoy this beautiful video (I'm sure you've seen it!).  It made me cry.  And if you are one of those silent women out there, who wants to be a mother but hasn't been blessed with the opportunity, hang in there.  God sees you.