Showing posts with label Movie Night. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movie Night. Show all posts

Monday, October 8, 2012

Spooky Cute


(More about this little girl and her outfit toward the bottom of the post) :)

We are big Harry Potter fans around here.  Especially one of my girls.

For some movies that may be too scary for older kids, we've started having occasional (very occasional) "movie dates" with our older kids.  Any time those dates involve Harry Potter, said girl will dress up like Hermoine and we have chocolate frogs and Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans.  I bought a case of these last year because who knows when they will stop making them (they stopped once before, and you could only find them under the label "Beanboozled.")  So this time I stocked up and they are a special treat we save for nights like these. 

This night we watched the first one, so the little kids could participate too (we always forward the Voldemort parts with the littlest ones).

At one point I looked and the kids had all snuggled together under a blanket on the floor.

On Sunday, after a beautiful afternoon enjoying our church's general conference on TV, we went to Great Grandma's for dinner.  On the way out the door I noticed that my three year old had changed into her Halloween PJ top and had a trick-or-treat bag slung over her shoulder like a purse (she has been lugging it around a lot, it has mandarin oranges, a Rapunzel wig, and battery powered candles inside, you know, just in case).  :)  She was so dang cute I had to take a picture.  Unbeknownst to me, other kids were queueing up, sidling in, smiling, waiting for their turn!  So cute.


How was your weekend?  My husband spent much of the weekend putting our tomatoes up before it is too late.  He made some yummy tomato sauce and froze it.  We can't seem to eat normal tomato sauce any more.  What do you do with your tomatoes?

We had a really great experience this weekend.  Can't wait to blog about it tomorrow.