Showing posts with label Gratitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gratitude. Show all posts

Friday, January 4, 2013

Christmas Day

We had a wonderful, white Christmas this year!  The kids of course woke up bright and early and kept running in to give us updates as to what they got from Santa (Santa doesn't wrap our presents, the jury is out on this one).  We invited my father-in-law, his woman, and my sister-in-law just a couple of days before Christmas and it was nice having them here.  I was worried about the effect the extra Christmas chaos would have on them, but they were good sports.  :)  My sister-in-law thanked us later, saying that Christmas is so much better with little children.  I have to agree.  It was great having her and the others with us.

I was a little embarrassed to post this, because, frankly, there are starving children in Ethiopia and we have been so blessed.  With of course the biggest blessing those happy, bright, healthy little faces lit up with the wonder and excitement that only Christmas Day can bring.  (and as a side note, I realized, that yes, it looks like a lot, but we were doing Christmas for eleven people!  not so bad when I think of it that way)

(Enough gift wrapping cast offs to paper the planet, right here)

There were an abundance of pillow pets this year.  Even the baby was head-over heels for the pink and purple pillow pets; saying it must have felt good on his tongue, because the whole day, no matter what he was doing (playing trucks), he kept mindlessly saying "pi- oh- pet. pi-oh-pet."

(When I was trying to wrap this for one of my girls, this little boy kept loving on it and would not let me have it.  If I snuck it away for a second he would squeak loudly and take it right out of the box)

My girls caught me by surprise when they asked for a bow and arrow.  What?  (After a little sleuthing I have to place the pointing finger of blame in the direction of a cute fiery red-headed Scottish princess)  Fortunately they have a compassionate aunt.

(Photo bomber alert!)

I love her little face in this one.

Some of the toys pictured were not Christmas presents, just pulled from our toy box.

Do you think I'm obsessed with books and cookbooks?  These are my presents, lucky me.

How was your Christmas?  Does Santa wrap your gifts or leave them sitting out?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thankful Poem

I planned on posting a couple of posts just on random things I'm thankful for.  But I didn't.  This month my other blog sort of took some of my emotional energy, in a good way. 

If I had a gratitude list, a really short one, that isn't just run-o-the mill, it would be: my baby in his footie pj's, my nine year old's love notes, seasons, home, my eleven year-old's infectious giggle, grass, running, rivers and river guides, sisters, my six year old's big beautiful eyes, three year-old's spunkiness, unexpected blog friends, real life friends, Jesus, jumping, and babies.

Here is a mini poem I wrote the other day:

Thank You

For the baby smell
On my hands
As I kneel down to pray.

All my blessings encapsulated in that one smell on my hands one night.  I am living my dream, no sarcasm intended. 

So beautifully captured in this video.  Happy Thanksgiving!  Safe travels everyone.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Children's Charity and Thankful

I mentioned a couple of months ago that I wanted to use the proceeds from this blog to donate to charities that benefit children.   Then I got tired of having ads on my blog, so I pulled them off temporarily.

Well, I got paid for the ads I had on my blog earlier, which got me thinking about it again.  (just in case you are tempted to try ads on your blog, its not exactly that lucrative...I made 1 cent for a loooongg time, eventually earning 10 dollars for four months of blogging- I felt rich after watching that one penny sit there for what felt like forever before creeping up to that whopping ten bucks :))  That, and all the Sandy stuff has been tugging at my heart, and I want to help, so I'm going to resuscitate the idea of giving to a children's charity each month.  I hope the ads aren't too annoying.  I figure now I can look at them as being there for a good cause-- helping raise money to help children with some of the opportunities and necessities of life.

If you would like to donate, go ahead.  Or if you have a charity you'd like me to look at in for a different month, that sounds great, just leave me a comment or email me (  :)

This month I'm just going to give to the oldie but goodie, the American Red Cross, (here).  I also found this website, which has some useful info about donating in a crisis, with rankings for different charities, some which specifically help children. 

This month I have been feeling extra grateful for the big things: my safe, warm home, for food to eat, and for my five beautiful and healthy children!  My husband has been extra kind and attentive lately, too, surprising me with little one-a-day short text messages that have brightened my day.  I'm also thankful for this project, how it has helped me enjoy those little things I was less aware of before, including the smell of my baby's head after a bath, his arms wrapped tightly around my neck, thankful for little scrawled love notes and childish giggles, for flying sleds down a white hill, for park days and preschool days and even for jumping!

And thankful to Heavenly Father for supporting me and helping me through so much.

A couple of years ago we tried something-- for each day leading up to Thanksgiving we did an act of service to show gratitude for something we had.  For example, if we were thankful for our home, we'd give to the homeless shelter.  To show we were thankful for our new baby, we donated some baby items to a local hospital.  They don't have to be big like this, these are just some ideas that I can think of off the top of my head.  We are doing it again this year, I'll let you know how it goes! 

If you want to read a touching story, that will make you thankful for your little ones, give you perspective, and inspire you, read this blog written by a friend of mine who lost a baby seven years ago.  She and her husband turned the experience into a positive one for hundreds of people as each year they do service to remember the 18 days he was alive.  Warning:  keep your tissues handy.

What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Little Bend in the Road

Over the last week, I think I reached the first real bend in my road.  The one where I think I just want to sit down on a rock and rest a bit.  Ok, maybe forever.

I've had a few setbacks, and I've been a little discouraged.   (BTW, this months resolutions are NOT happening!)

Then I realized a few things. 

One day, feeling down, I sat at the computer and nursed baby.  I was grumpy because I had a lot to do.  I started wondering why I'm doing this-- it is hard to find time for the things I need to do, let alone want to do.  Then I looked down at his face.  And he looked up at me with those big brown eyes and smiled that smile that is meant only for Mom.  The one that tells me I am his universe right now.  And everything else.  And I realized THIS.  THIS is why I'm doing my project.  For that little face, and four others.  And not for any other reason.  Not for my health, or sanity, or pocketbook, or figure.

I read this quote (here, one of my favorite posts of Stephanie Nielsen, their back-to-school feast):

Photo credit: Justin Hackworth

I read this quote (here):
geddesproduction - Frantz Quote Plaque on white

And saw this video via Design Mom (TEARS)-- so beautiful and inspiring, about a French Designer and how one letter to Mother Theresa changed her life:

"Come, all hands are needed." 

New favorite quote.  Reminds me not to get so caught up in life's little details that I miss the big picture.

I remembered that God is on my side, and He will help me, and make up for the things I give up along the way.

That my blessings far outnumber my challenges.   I just need to take a step back and see them! 

And a few principles I've learned along the way.

1.  Habits make hard things easier.

2.  Taking care of myself is important-- when I don't get enough rest, or nutritious food, it undermines my ability to care for others and be kind or patient with others. 

3.  Little aggravations are common in any relationship, especially marriage.  How I handle those little things can either create an ulcer or a pearl, depending on how those minor aggravations are handled. 

4.  Instead of complaining or venting, maybe a gratitude list is in order:  the baby smell on my hands, the way the mountains look like russet velvet, the little drawing or note left on the counter, the mountain of laundry that shows I have lots of people to influence, care for, and love.

(this picture of a "duck" was presented to me with pride this morning!  Isn't that the most darling duck?  It is gray and look at all those webbed feet!  I got a major kick out of this)

5.  The biggest hurdle to doing something good is simply starting that thing.  I am so tempted by all my busy to-do's to cut out the time with the kids or cancel a date or tell the family they can't come over.  But as soon as I have begun said activity, my load is lightened and I am so glad I didn't give up prematurely.

6.  Doing things for others is the quickest way for me out of the doldrums.  I finally sent off my "Hondeydukes" package to a friend and instantly felt my day brighten. (more about this later)

Hard days aren't forever.  I have to be flexible, looking for ways to readjust if needed, and remember my priorities.   These days won't last forever.