Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Crazy Home Photo Shoot and Other Goings On

I have been wanting to take the kids photos for ages, but the littlest one got a black eye (his sister got him with her elbow when swinging) that lasted forever (okay, just a few weeks, he bumped it in the same spot when it was almost better!).  Our schedule is a bit busy at the moment, we have something going on after school nearly every day.  And our hot water tank has decided to work sometimes, and not other times, so there were times when I couldn't give anyone a bath.  Sorry, too much information!  We finally got around to doing photos a week ago, but I got out the door a few minutes too late and so we had to just jump out in a spot that wasn't where I'd planned to take photos, and it got dark so fast I wasn't able to take very many.  I didn't get a single picture with everyone smiling or looking at the camera, darn it.  Oh well.  Turns out one at the first of the post is one of my favorites.

 Frisco, Colorado!  So beautiful.  Now I want to go back and spend some time there!
 This is where we stayed on the scrapbook retreat-- it was so refreshing.

So many of my most favorite, inspirational, funny, kind ladies in one spot.  I am so lucky to count them as friends!  (and some other favorites not pictured here!)
 I heard noises one night after the kids were supposed to be in bed.  When I went upstairs I found them dressed in black playing "ninjas."  Nice.
My favorite time of year!  I got to look at these gorgeous mountains while I wrote my book-- perfect inspiration!

One reason I wasn't around last week like I meant to be (hall of shame, I'm so sorry), is that I had surgery on the varicose veins in one of my legs.  I'll update you soon.  (it hurts!  but I think I'm going to be glad later when my ginormous purple bruise finally stops hurting!)

Love to all.

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