Thursday, January 10, 2013


Some funnies to brighten your day.  Afterward, enjoy a few too many photos in a sort of belly laugh reel.

E, the baby, calls my eldest son "Tae-don."  And though he knows his sister's name (and will point to her if you say her name), he also calls her, until recently "Tae-don."  If she walks into the room, he will utter a delighted "TAE-don!"  In order to distinguish the two, over the last few weeks, he has been calling her "Tae-don, sisser [sister]."  Just over the last few days he has been calling her by her proper name.  Boo.

The other night, we had some deer in the yard, and he was pretty excited.  He kept running to me and shouting: "Beer!"  "Beer!"

He came down with a sudden high fever one evening.  I always worry about little things like that.  I put him to bed and heard him crying an hour later.  When I went to retrieve him in the dark hallway, he issued a delighted and relieved "MOM!"  Then he told me "scared."  Awwww....  That night I laid with him on the floor and he wasn't content to be in his bed next to me, he kept rolling off and wedging himself between my body and his bed, which is the only way he finally fell asleep.  I could feel his little round head, next to mine, pouring forth the heat, as his little body gradually relaxed, his hot breath warm on my cheek.  I felt so badly for him, but as I lay there in the dark, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world in on the best secret-- I feel so blessed this little one is mine.  The next day, when he held out his arms for me to lift him up in his soft felt dino jammies, the poor little guy was still burning up (Motrin to the rescue).  I told him "you have hot pits!"  I was just joking, but he picked up on that and said "Hot pits. Hot pits. Hot pits."  (after saying something I can't repeat) over and over for a little while.  Lol.

My middle daughter (6) told my oldest son, when they were playing some sort of fake bow-and -arrow game, "I shot you before I even aimed!"

And my little four year old, she is the dressing queen. More on this another day, including photos that I can't always capture quickly enough because she changes to often!  She actually changes into a different skirt for bed, because she will only wear dresses or skirts.  Where did this dear girl come from?  She tells me I am "nice" or "mean" based on whether I am giving her what she wants in the moment.  This is a first for me in the parenting universe.  She is spunky but quite delightful.  Maybe that is what we should name the band?

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