Showing posts with label To Everything There is a Season. Show all posts
Showing posts with label To Everything There is a Season. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Halloweening With the Littles


(After school snack all planned, pumpkin eggnog, yum, super healthy :) )

The littlest ones and I put out the Halloween decorations today to the tune of some vintage 80's Halloween songs that issued tinnily from my propped-up, fingerprinty phone. 

My three year old helped me place the decorations enthusiastically before she got distracted by a play dough craft from last year and went in the kitchen to get busy.  Later I found little snips of plastic and black and blue play dough snipped in a little dustbucket pile on a kitchen chair. 

The baby was good at taking things out of the orange and black plastic bins and placing them in various random arrangements on the floor.   After thirty minutes, he decided it was time to nurse instead.  So we snuggled up on the couch with the sun filtering through the window, the sound of "Thriller" in the background, and little three year-old crafty noises wafting in from the kitchen.  Baby looked at me with his big brown eyes, periodically trying to "dance," as he wiggled his shoulders to the music.

I realized.  In a few years, I'll be able to do this on my own time frame, no interruptions, in an already clean house.  But I'll miss the little busy hands and the interruptions.  They are the sunshine in this autumn day.

(This given to me by a friend when I was a missionary in Texas, experience here.)

The little play dough clippings I found reminded me of another time I found something in little bits scattered in a winding trail toward the front door.  It was a praying mantis.  It looked eerily---- snipped. yess, it was snipped.  by the same three year-old.  at least it was a quick death, but it was not funny to older brother, who cried.

What is your favorite thing about fall?  When we lived in England, no one called autumn "fall."  Also, our friends in England were not as into Halloween as we are here in America-- most of them thought it to be a pagan and evil-ish holiday.  But how can it be evil-ish with "Thriller" playing in the background? Love. That. Song.