Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Zoo Day

We had an impromptu zoo day last week.  It was so great.  It has been so nice to be able to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather together!  It threatened rain on the day we went to the zoo, which ended up being perfect.  The animals were really active, the weather was cool, and it didn't end up raining after all!

 Made out of Legos.  Amazing.
An impromptu dance exhibition.  Those socks!  I told her to wear socks since her shoes had given her blisters the day before.  Funny I didn't truly notice the socks she chose until I was editing these photos!  Oh yes, and she is pioneering the backward shirt.

 Little E. is practicing his photo bombing already.

 Puddle: found.  (later he found a complete huge mud puddle and was splashing all around in it while I was occupied with sister.  I was so glad he had his little rain boots on!  It ended up being no big deal.)

 I love watching my little ones "discover" something for the first time!

 Little boy was calling everything "a rabbit!" lol.

 More Legos.

An after-zoo mini date indulgence with the little ones, in a restaurant at which I broke up with a boyfriend in college.

(For some reason this little girl was camera shy on our zoo day, and that is why the best photos here are spontaneous and blurry!)

Happy Wednesday!

Almost forgot:  for this months goals, I'm going to try letting you know as the month progresses, what the goals are.  We'll see how it goes and what to do for next month.

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