Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Little Sunday Action

I don't post very often about our Sunday activities.  So here is a little Sunday action.

One fight started on this day because the little girl in the photo, who rigged this up all by herself without my knowledge (we had watched The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe for the first time the night before), was ordering everyone else around like servants and wouldn't share the "throne."

The kids love to sleep all-in-one-room on the weekends.  This boy lugged his whole big, heavy mattress into the girls room, where I found him, asleep (this photo taken the next day).

On Sunday we go to church, afterward we eat a very simple something prepared by me or a much nicer something prepared by my husband (like the stuff pictured at top) (I see Sunday as my day off-- even though I'm still very much on duty with some things, so if he wants a nice dinner, he has learned that he needs to make it himself).  Sometimes I take a nap, though that can be kind of a joke at times.  We usually watch a religious or a tame family movie like the Sound of Music.  The kids play together.  Sometimes in a little herd.  Sometimes they fight.  But they mostly work it out and are pretty good little buddies.  Sometimes we work on Scouts or responsibilities connected to church.  Our house goes to pot.  Sometimes it takes me a couple of days or more to recover.  :)  In the summer we sometimes go for a walk or a bike ride or a drive or visit family or friends.  We don't work in the yard or do housework on this day, nor do we go to basketball games or social activities or even grocery shop like we would on a normal day.  It might sound a bit boring, but it is a really nice break, a nice refresher.  A well-filler, I guess you could call it.  :)  By the time Monday rolls around, I'm so ready to clean and get back to normal.  It's sort of a slow, easy day, as long as you don't count crowd control at church-- that is a work out.  :)

On this particular day, my son came downstairs after bedtime, holding a freshly pulled tooth, my oldest daughter was already out of bed, playing with the baby-- he would cling to her leg, call her name, or hold her hand each time she tried to go to bed.  They were out of bed, but I realized--  man I'm thankful I have teeth to gather and little arms to unravel around laughing sister legs and a little boy in tight pj's whose little round belly makes me happy for babies.  I have a really good life.  And lazy Sundays can sometimes bring all of that into focus.

How are your Sundays?  Slow or fast-paced?  Do you like to make a fancy Sunday dinner or take the day off?


  1. Loved the imagery in this, your last paragraph made me smile. You are blessed. All of us with this type of mayhem in our homes are so blessed :)

  2. That shirt and necklace look great on you! Love this little family.
