Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What I Learned, Month 5, Showing Love Through Acts of Service

This month I involved God a little more in the selection of what I was to work on, and this has been my best experience yet

I learned:

1)  By showing more love to my kids, I feel more love...and I think the feeling is mutual!

2)  I was doing many more acts of service than I thought I was-- the simple act of recognizing each thing I do for them as an act of love changed my approach and their reception...dramatically changing the feeling of my day and changing my whole perspective about what I do every day.  Even ordinary tasks like laundry and dishes are easier and more meaningful when I realize I am contributing to my little one's well-being and happiness and self-esteem!

3)  Little things can make a big difference-- paying attention to a child's favorite color (when purchasing clothing or something similar), adding that tiny sweet or note to their lunch once in a while, doing an ordinary activity with extra love, focus, and attention can make a big difference in every one's day.

4)  Even some of the harder acts of service (for me, being a chauffeur) can become easier if I think about what I want to help my child become.

5)  It helped me to imagine the way I felt as a child when someone did something kind for me...I especially envisioned my own parents and remembered the things they did that I appreciated, even though I didn't always express thanks at the time. 

6)  Doing acts of service can be exhilarating and habit forming!

7)  Everything I sacrifice for my kids comes back to me plus some when I see the happiness in their faces.

8)  Recognize that what I do does make a difference.  A huge difference.  Don't forget that on discouraged days.  I realized one of Satan's biggest weapons against mothers is to make them think that what they do doesn't really matter.

Little things, done with love, can change my kids lives forever for the better.

I loved this month!   

(the photos are of my nieces)

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