Monday, June 18, 2012

Images of Childhood

I have to admit, before the weekend hit, I hit a wall.  I started thinking of all the things I could do with the extra time I've been spending with my kids.  Then we went to my parents for a couple of days, and had such a refreshing time, and it was so nice having some extra hands to help, hands that love the kids unconditionally too.  At one point, Isa was swinging on a bouncy polka-dot pogo stick hung from a tree.  Her face was filled with pure childlike happiness, and I realized I wanted to memorize this moment-- while all my kids are innocent and little.  Watch this from Gretchen Rubin about how "the days are long but the years are short."

I loved watching them play together and help each other.

Some day I'm even going to miss watching this little cutie wipe her nose on her shirt!

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