Friday, May 18, 2012

A Few Minutes

Note to self: don't try new resolutions in May (the craziest month for moms-- how did I forget?). I absolutely have not done one single thing on my organization and bugdet this whole week.

Highlights of the last two days: walk with the kids to school, time alone with baby on the way home (dad home with girls), listening to birds, the hum of bugs, and the wind rustling the grass. He was so cute-- just drank it in.

Books with the little ones in the car during kindergarten testing. Baby kept leaning on the steering wheel and a loud blare would issue from the horn. Three year old fell backward off the console, all I could see were the bottoms of her upturned purple tennies and a muffled "I'm okay!" The rain was pattering on our roof as we read Harold and the Purple Crayon. I love the sound of rain when I'm inside....ahh....but then we had to venture outside. I must have been saying "OOOhhh! Ooooohh!" because the baby started copying me--OOO OOOO-- with his lips in the cutest little chubby circle shape. We were soaked but they didn't seem to mind.

Had a nap snuggled up with baby while older girls watched a string of Little Bear and more, rain tapping on our roof. We needed the rest! Baby still getting over ear infection and mom tired from a super busy week, still adjusting to getting up early and exercising.

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