Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Life Lately

I've been so busy!  New calling and a busy time of year!  But it's a busy good.  I've actually really, really simplified this year.  Or just really lowered my standards. :) It has been such a relief.   Going to blog about it some time before I die.  But not today, because my photos are uploading so slowly.  Even with the simplifying or the lowering my standards down to the bottom of the barrel, my feelings of peace alternate with mild panic attacks.  Prepping Christmas, especially with five kiddos, is a big deal

Went to see downtown all decked out for Christmas.  A cold but enjoyable night!  The kids loved riding the train.  :)

Aunt time over Thanksgiving.  This one is a precious commodity since we don't get to see her much.

This little zombie bookmark has been sitting around since Halloween until I recently put him away.  He makes me smile.  So cute!

Somebody got strep.  Poor girl.

Sick.  We got to have a quiet Sunday afternoon nap together.  You all know how good I must have looked.

First time to the Symphony.  It was magical!  The little girl on the right had a skip to her step and kept smiling.  She probably enjoyed being in the city at night.  We got seats on the highest balcony, and she ate it up.  Didn't hurt that they were playing Debussy and Ravel.  Ahhhh... It was so beautiful. It was a bunch of classy elderly people  Just to be fair, we got fussed over a couple of times by said older people, some of whom drew in a sharp breath of surprise when they found out it was this girl's first time to the symphony.  And we got super cheap seats ($9, right?) through Travelocity (what?  seems a little weird, but I'll take it).  Great even though two of us were sick.

Simplifying by making ginger people (this one is literally a ginger person...just for you Tia) instead of a house this year.  Was easy--my husband bought kits and the big kids each decorated their own with very little help.  Fun memories.

What is one of your Christmas traditions? 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Thanksgiving Number 1, Part 1

I have been putting off posting my Thanksgiving photos because I have been too busy to sort through and edit them.  But still feeling a little sad over the weekend's news, I remembered that many of the Thanksgiving photos were of my six year-old.  Been feeeling extra thankful for all these little ones.  Enjoy some photos of just plain old childlike play-- they are therapeutic for me. 

Are you ready for Christmas?  I've sure enjoyed this busy but wonderful time of year.

I found these girls anxiously awaiting the arrival of their dad, with all their self-packed things.

A little boy in heaven at Grandpa's farm with train in hand.
 In Grandpa's new self-made greenhouse.  It was nice and toasty warm and my kids were fascinated with it.  Notice they took toys and coloring things because they wanted to play inside.  I love these photos of childlike, quiet play, without realizing they were being observed.

 Don't be jealous of how glamorous I look when I sleep.  Ug.  Thanks to my hubby, I got a nap on Thanksgiving!  He helped with the cooking, too.  Is there anything hotter than a man in the kitchen? 

I heard some muffled cries for help.  They had gotten locked in. 

More to come later! 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Our Hearts Are Broken

For the dear families who lost loved ones in last Friday's tragedy.  Our hearts and prayers go out in love and support to those affected.   Have cried more than I'd like to admit-- it's a little close to home with all the little ones around here who are so dear to me.  

I'm inspired by this video of one girl's father. 

In honor of his family, and all others affected, I'd like to dedicate this month's charitable donation to the victims of this terrible tragedy.  If you'd like to join, here are two links:  Sandy Hook School Support Fund (through United Way) and the Emilie Parker Fund (to help defray costs for family of the young girl mentioned in the video, to be buried in their home state of Utah).

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Baby Dancing

I have been looking for this video I took of the baby, around Halloween time-frame-ish, and finally found it!  I have been trying to capture his little dance moves for a long time and this one does the trick.  Don't you just love baby dancing?  I love it.

This video is only 39 seconds.  Enjoy!

We've been a little under the weather around here, how about you?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Funny Little Sayings, Take 22

Some funny little sayings around here lately.
E., who is now 19 months (not fair, going too fast I tell you), and who has never been interested in more than a lick of TV (5 minutes his whole life), has suddenly become obsessed with Bob the Builder.  He usually finishes out the night in our bed, or I finish out the night on the floor next to his bed, so I know the first things that come out of that little cute mouth.  One morning, while he was still in the act of sitting up, bleary-eyed, he said: “Bob!  Maia.”  Then he ran breathlessly off to his sister’s room, found her in bed and said “Maia!  Bob!  ‘Mon! (come on!)” with the cutest little fingers- curling-toward-his-little-chubby-wrist gesture.  He has learned to enlist his sisters any time he wants to watch “Bob,” which is a lot.  The morning after his first Bob awakening, the first thing out of his mouth was “YEH HE TAN! ("yes he can!" from “can he fix it?  Yes he can!”...said right before he tumbled off the bed to go find his sister)  Right now he swaps out all his “c” sounds for “t” sounds, so car is “tar,” you get the picture.  It is so stinkin’ cute. 

My three year-old had a dream that she grew a mustache and couldn’t remove it.  Then she ate a red  tortilla chip and her whole body turned red (not her clothes, she said with great emphasis, just her skinnn).   She turned purple when she ate a purple chip; even the underside of her tongue was purple.  This is the same child who just asked for a bow and arrow for her birthday (more later this week). :)

This same three year-old, taking a cue from her older sister, asked for a pony for Christmas.  When I gave her the same answer I had given her sister (maniacal laugh), she said "okay, then, I'll take a baby horse.  Not a wicked (she is the one who added the emphasis, not me) baby horse, a nice baby horse, that I can ride on." (where in the world did she learn the word "wicked"?)

This very same girl, just last night, prayed that she wouldn't have any bad dreams-- she prayed that she would only have dreams about something cute or funny.  Just moments before, in our family prayer, she prayed that her tooth wouldn't "get blood."  Thats it, the end.  The bloody tooth was the whole prayer. (sisters with minor flossing trauma a few minutes beforehand)
My nine year-old is getting over a case of strep throat, poor girl.  When we drove to the pharmacy, she noticed a new building being erected.  She asked me what it was for.  Then she said, “don’t they know they are killing like 40,000 animals?  ……Including the fleas?”  I didn’t know that she cared about the plight of animals or fleas, for that matter, or connected the dots in regards to building and animals, but I was pretty impressed. (maybe she witnessed me hyper ventilating when we went for a beautiful drive along some wetlands and saw a bunch of duck hunters carrying whole giant burlap bags full of dead ducks!  I couldn't handle this sight--ducks?  Why ducks?  But not to worry, gatekeeper man told us, there is a plethora of ducks because we are taking all of their habitats, so they would be dead anyway....stab me to the heart, why don't ya?  Ducks?  I love ducks!  Go ahead and kill the deer (with moderation, mind you, and then only if you are going to eat them), but not the ducks!  My husband had a good laugh at my expense, seeing as this was my first time even realizing that real, modern people hunted ducks by the dozen like that)

I'm kind of a softie when it comes to killing things (see here.)

Monday, December 10, 2012

A First Photoshoot...Part 1

This lil' rookie photographer took out the kiddos for a photo shoot this summer.  I did it to surprise my husband for his 40th birthday.  The photos are really fun, though I wish I'd taken someone along for a little help!  The baby was just confused as to why I couldn't hold him.  We had to get creative.  I'm still learning so many things by trial and error but these are fun!  Enjoy.  Sorry, I know some are repeats and others are for a little comic relief.

 Kids trying to entertain E. so he wouldn't cry.  He was not very happy about all this.
 Tricky to get everyone to look at once.  But at least the baby is entertained by brother's mouth.