Some funny little sayings around here lately.
E., who is now 19 months (not fair, going too fast I
tell you), and who has never been interested in more than a lick of TV (5
minutes his whole life), has suddenly become obsessed with Bob the
Builder. He usually finishes out the
night in our bed, or I finish out the night on the floor next to his bed, so I
know the first things that come out of that little cute mouth. One morning, while he was still in the act of
sitting up, bleary-eyed, he said: “Bob! Maia.”
Then he ran breathlessly off to his sister’s room, found her in bed and
said “Maia! Bob! ‘Mon! (come on!)” with the cutest little fingers-
curling-toward-his-little-chubby-wrist gesture. He has
learned to enlist his sisters any time he wants to watch “Bob,” which is a
lot. The morning after his first Bob awakening, the first
thing out of his mouth was “YEH HE TAN! ("yes he can!" from “can he fix it? Yes he can!”...said right before he tumbled off the bed to go find his sister)
Right now he swaps out all his “c” sounds for “t” sounds, so car is “tar,”
you get the picture. It is so stinkin’
cute. My three year-old had a dream that she grew a mustache and couldn’t remove it. Then she ate a red tortilla chip and her whole body turned red (not her clothes, she said with great emphasis, just her skinnn). She turned purple when she ate a purple chip; even the underside of her tongue was purple. This is the same child who just asked for a bow and arrow for her birthday (more later this week). :)
This same three year-old, taking a cue from her older sister, asked for a pony for Christmas. When I gave her the same answer I had given her sister (maniacal laugh), she said "okay, then, I'll take a baby horse. Not a wicked (she is the one who added the emphasis, not me) baby horse, a nice baby horse, that I can ride on." (where in the world did she learn the word "wicked"?)
This very same girl, just last night, prayed that she wouldn't have any bad dreams-- she prayed that she would only have dreams about something cute or funny. Just moments before, in our family prayer, she prayed that her tooth wouldn't "get blood." Thats it, the end. The bloody tooth was the whole prayer. (sisters with minor flossing trauma a few minutes beforehand)
I'm kind of a softie when it comes to killing things (see here.)