Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Halloween Party

We had a Halloween Party with some cousins.  It was a wonderful day.  We enjoyed a beautiful and happy day together in the gorgeous weather before the weather melted into drizzly rain and chilly days a couple of days later.

Just toilet paper rolls and cupcake liners.

When my six year-old couldn't find her bee costume, her sister pulled out her sewing kit and made her a little skirt!  It was halfway done when I found her making it.  I was really impressed with that thoughtful act.  And look how cute it turned out!  With no help or input from me.

Little boy discovered this little "bike" and had a great time.  Whoever thought of putting no pedals on a toy for this age is a genius.

I just want to eat up this little boy!

Gourd bacci (sp?) ball was a hit.  Very funny.  After the boys played, my son and I played with my father-in-law and his woman.  Made for a good laugh! 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Weekend Update

This is how we started our weekend:

Don't worry.  We are fine.  I'll explain tomorrow.

Trying to squeeze in a little extra organization time for my project today.  How was your weekend?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Harry Potter Care Package

I'm a little embarrassed to even post this, because it is sorta like, look at me!  But, to borrow from another blogger, what is the point of blogs if you can't brag about pointless stuff like that (here)?  I also thought it might be fun in case anyone else wants to do something nice for someone they love before the month of October is over!

I have some dear friends in another state that I miss very much.  This was easy and fun.  I already had these cute treat boxes I bought at my local grocery store.  And the Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans (here).  And a chocolate frog mold (here-- cheap!).  I used to be so intimidated making my own chocolates but it is so easy! (instructions here ...I just melt my chocolate in the microwave, spoon it into the mold, freeze it for 20 minutes, and Voila!)  I bought some fizzy or otherwise weird candies that fit in with Harry Potter themes, then I took ordinary candies and made labels on my computer using the Blackadder font and brown scrapbook paper that looked old, then burned the edges right over my gas stove (hmmm...not recommended, I almost burned my fingers off).  If I had more time, I would have tried to make cuter wrappings with bows or something fun but I didn't have much time so I just wrapped them in Saran Wrap.  And put a label on top addressed to the witches or wizards on such-and-such Drive, from the witch at Honeydukes, _______ (state) division.

So fun and easy!

Just for a little pick-me-up today, here are some photos of E in the headband he has been wearing around.  It is so funny.  Suddenly I'll see him wearing this headband.  He will wear it in various positions, take it off and put it on over and over all day (the last couple of days).  I think it is super cute.  Kind of funny I had some pictures of him vrooming his cars all around in his headband.  (sorry, they were all blurry!)  When he puts the headband on he will sometimes say, in a high-pitched, pleased voice: "pretty....boy!"

Can you tell he has three older sisters?  (Today one of them said, "love you sonny!" and he said "!"  so cute)

Happy weekend!  We have been a bit lazy around here with no school the last two days.  We might go do something fun this afternoon though! 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Patchin' It -- All For Some Little Punkins

We went to the pumpkin patch yesterday.  This is an activity we look forward to each year.   The air was so crisp and fall-ish.  We got dirty and got stickers in our shoes but it was a refreshing outing!  And we came home with some little pumpkins.  I've got a fun craft planned for them....and it involves chalkboard paint, inspired by another blogger.  I can't wait to try it out and fill you in!

It is so hard to get this little boy to sit still for a picture!  Or anything else for that matter!  Busy, busy age!  But I love it.

I've re-assessed, and I'm going to revise my goals for this month.  I've decided that being unorganized impedes even my best intentions at being a good mother.

So I'm going to forget the teaching goals for this month and focus on organization.  I need to tie up loose ends from the first week of this month, when I did some planning and organizing but didn't quite finish.  And give a re-look to that old schedule of mine, see if I can make it work this time, even for one day. :)

I've had a little setback with exercising, since I've been having some big troubles with my knees.  But I'm noticing a major difference in my energy levels and mood since I haven't exercised in the last couple of weeks, so I'm going to try something new.  All while I try to keep up those great changes from previous months.  (there are a few minor things I haven't continued, I'll give a master update at the six month mark, coming right up)

I'll let you know how it goes!  Until then, enjoy this beautiful weather!  How is fall in your neck of the woods?  What is your favorite fall activity? 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Little Bend in the Road

Over the last week, I think I reached the first real bend in my road.  The one where I think I just want to sit down on a rock and rest a bit.  Ok, maybe forever.

I've had a few setbacks, and I've been a little discouraged.   (BTW, this months resolutions are NOT happening!)

Then I realized a few things. 

One day, feeling down, I sat at the computer and nursed baby.  I was grumpy because I had a lot to do.  I started wondering why I'm doing this-- it is hard to find time for the things I need to do, let alone want to do.  Then I looked down at his face.  And he looked up at me with those big brown eyes and smiled that smile that is meant only for Mom.  The one that tells me I am his universe right now.  And everything else.  And I realized THIS.  THIS is why I'm doing my project.  For that little face, and four others.  And not for any other reason.  Not for my health, or sanity, or pocketbook, or figure.

I read this quote (here, one of my favorite posts of Stephanie Nielsen, their back-to-school feast):

Photo credit: Justin Hackworth

I read this quote (here):
geddesproduction - Frantz Quote Plaque on white

And saw this video via Design Mom (TEARS)-- so beautiful and inspiring, about a French Designer and how one letter to Mother Theresa changed her life:

"Come, all hands are needed." 

New favorite quote.  Reminds me not to get so caught up in life's little details that I miss the big picture.

I remembered that God is on my side, and He will help me, and make up for the things I give up along the way.

That my blessings far outnumber my challenges.   I just need to take a step back and see them! 

And a few principles I've learned along the way.

1.  Habits make hard things easier.

2.  Taking care of myself is important-- when I don't get enough rest, or nutritious food, it undermines my ability to care for others and be kind or patient with others. 

3.  Little aggravations are common in any relationship, especially marriage.  How I handle those little things can either create an ulcer or a pearl, depending on how those minor aggravations are handled. 

4.  Instead of complaining or venting, maybe a gratitude list is in order:  the baby smell on my hands, the way the mountains look like russet velvet, the little drawing or note left on the counter, the mountain of laundry that shows I have lots of people to influence, care for, and love.

(this picture of a "duck" was presented to me with pride this morning!  Isn't that the most darling duck?  It is gray and look at all those webbed feet!  I got a major kick out of this)

5.  The biggest hurdle to doing something good is simply starting that thing.  I am so tempted by all my busy to-do's to cut out the time with the kids or cancel a date or tell the family they can't come over.  But as soon as I have begun said activity, my load is lightened and I am so glad I didn't give up prematurely.

6.  Doing things for others is the quickest way for me out of the doldrums.  I finally sent off my "Hondeydukes" package to a friend and instantly felt my day brighten. (more about this later)

Hard days aren't forever.  I have to be flexible, looking for ways to readjust if needed, and remember my priorities.   These days won't last forever.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Baby Explores Poem

I must delay updating you on my project for one more day, as I am super pooped today.  Up in the night for 2 hours with a little sick one.  Here is a little poem I wrote about my baby and our sometime explorings while little girl is in dance.  I wanted to edit it some more, but I can always do that later.   And sorry, its kind of like an epic poem, as it describes an hour in detail.  :)

Do you ever do this?  Let the little one direct the activity?  What was your experience?  I would like to do it more.

Exploring the Woods

I let you explore the woods today,
I followed you like a bear cub momma in
When you'd stop,
I'd stop.
Out a glass door
With a plastic VW bug
In one hand
And an orange shoe in the other.
I could see the top of your soft
Ginger head,
Toddling up and down,
Then going.
First down the ramp.
Time to smell the flowers.
You bent at the waist,
Sniffing loudly
Inches away from
A red prickly bush.
Then out into the parking lot,
Between two cars,
Then back again.
Then out again,
Across a crumbly
With bright yellow
Painted lines
And empty cars.
Head to the right,
And the left,
Not delaying.
Making lots of decisions in
We've neared an office building
Flower bed,
Strewn with brightly colored poppies,
Strung like beads on a child's
Now you've got it,
Sniffing a quarter inch from
a bare yellow
Then off
To try your first
Revolving door,
Air compressing around us,
Like astronauts
In a cosmonaut.
Then decompressing.
I wonder if anyone will wonder why we're in here.
You wander down a black alien
zig-zag carpet corridor
to the left,
Smelling of papers and coffee and work.
Then back out the door,
As the outside rushes in to greet us,
Then back in,
Then back out.
Off to smell one more flower,
Then marching off,
Occasional head turning to make sure
Momma bear is following.
You turn at the big road,
Noticing a grumbling
school bus
Make its way down the road.
Then you turn toward a tree,
examining something,
But recoil when I run my
Finger down its bark,
Making a dry
You're not touching that.
Off you go again.
On the homestretch,
You leave the path to try
out an army green
Recessed in the growing grass.
Bump, a hollow sound--
Then again.
You were leary of the blue one,
another tree's bark (not touching that either),
and not sure you want to go back.
I sat on the green velvet couch,
Sunk in,
Beckoned, entreated, invited you
To try a book with me.
The sun was pouring lines around
A tangerine velvet button couch
And bright carpet flowers.
You looked, squoze
Between a pillar and the window
And then looked at me
from the circles
under the stairs,
Your face like a little spy
Who'd discovered a secret world,
And then got discovered himself.
Eyes looking at me through
Different holes,
Wondering if the result would be the same.
Baby laugh.
The most musical sound in the world.
(Baby delight=
My delight!)
Then you decided Christopher Columbus
had not had enough,
Following wafting sounds
Into another room.
When I caught up,
You were framed in the doorway,
There was a stage.
A blonde in short exercise clothes and tan muscles
Was building a set with another man.
They were putting up some gauzy-curtains
By a big French clock.
There was a guillotine with a
big red half-polka dot
Blood-stain on a lifted blade.
Michael Jackson was floating
on  the breeze.

Little Moby Dick was having a day.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Little Angels

Once a year our kids sing in church with all the other kids 12 and under.  It is my favorite.  Not only is it so fun to watch them sing, and smile, and even sneak in a little (or big) wave, it is also fun to see the beautiful and childlike innocence of all the children, as they beam proudly upon parents and grandparents and sing about who they really are, lifting that little veil for a minute and reminding all of us that what we are shooting for in life is to become more like those little angels in our care. 

On a side note, I bought myself some slacks, and I've almost returned them many times.  Even though I got a great deal.  And I never wear heels except to church.  These are too big.   I realized I have not had a good picture taken of me for years.  Years.  That maybe I should actually do my hair and try a little harder, at least for a picture!  So I put on some clothes that still have tags because I'm still undecided and I asked my 3 year old to take my picture before I changed my mind.  She was pretty cute, shooting that camera every which way and holding her finger on the trigger like she was a drunken cowboy shooting an automatic weapon alone in a desert night.  But she did a pretty good job.  And she gave me tons of compliments, which was cute.  And tried on the shoes.

How was your weekend?  It is getting colder here.  It's fun to break out the boots and sweaters.  Project update tomorrow!  :)