I was going to post twice this week, and here I am. I can't stop fiddling with my book, as terrible as it probably is.
The kids have been home on vacation this week, so we've done some fun things together; we visited a Planetarium, the pumpkin patch, and several parks. We've had a good time. :)
There are some funny things my kids have said recently, here goes one of them (I thought I'd been storing them up, and I just can't remember!):
One day we were getting out of the car and my oldest son (12) said to the little boy (2), ruffling his hair affectionately (and rhetorically, I might add), "are you my minion?" to which Emerson replied in a tiny halting voice, "we're.....all.....minions." We laughed so hard at that. :)
I wish I could remember the rest, sigh.
One day I filled the bath for an older child and then went downstairs to work on the dishes. I could tell by the sounds filtering down the stairs that Emerson had gotten in too, which was fine with me since he was with said older child and the sounds of the two playing were so happy. I didn't even think too much about it until he came squishing down the stairs fully clothed! He even had his rain boots on, which squirted and squished out water with every step. His held his little arms away from his body, his clothes hanging on him heavily while he dripped a puddle on the floor! I laughed so hard about the boots-- they were hard to pull off when full of water! I didn't get the best photo, but here it is:
And you get to see my nice clean floor to boot. Just to make you feel like you've had a vicarious adventure today! I hope you have a great weekend. I have more photos for next week.
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