Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Point Reyes

We left San Francisco on day three and headed northwest toward Point Reyes National Seashore.  We stopped at the visitor's center and did a little hike to see how far the fault line jumped during the San Francisco earthquake.  Pretty amazing.  Then we drove out to see Point Reyes Lighthouse.  After the Golden Gate bridge, I was prepared by making our jackets accessible beforehand.  Much better. :)

 The beginning of my obsession with the beautiful moss (?) hanging from the trees.
 Pit stop.

 End visitor's center, begin Point Reyes lighthouse walk.  :)

 Hm.  I wonder which way the wind blows most of the time here? :)

 The whale!  Can you see it?  It was so gorgeous.

There were a lot of steps (390?), and a lot of signs warning of the number of steps, but the kids were troopers!  We even saw a gray whale.  My first and only whale sighting, it was a spiritual experience, I tell you.  I could have watched it all day.  But not that day, because we had a lot of driving ahead yet.  

How was your weekend?  We enjoyed our first relaxed weekend in probably about six weeks!  It was great. :)

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