Thursday, April 11, 2013

Sad Day

Dearest readers, my dear grandpa, who has been receiving dialysis treatments for seven years, went off dialysis a little over a week ago when he started having some additional troubles.  It appears his kidneys had enough anyway, after so long.  He has been miserable for some time, so it will be a relief for him-- he will probably pass away very soon.  We visited him as a family last weekend and it was bittersweet.  It was obvious that his body is shutting down, yet in other ways he seemed his old self-- eating in his chair as if it were any other day.  It was difficult when it came time to say goodbye-- sigh.  A couple of my kids struggled to hold back tears, too.  I was glad that I got 36 years to know him!  He is a good man.   He will be happier where he is going, but he will be missed.

So, I just wanted to warn you that I may not be around for a few days, we'll have to see what happens.  We are going to visit him again today, it is possible he won't make it through this day.

Love to all, thanks for your kindness and support always.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about your Grandpa! thinking of you and your family!

    love ya
