Thursday, February 28, 2013

February Re-Cap

This was a quick but good month in some unexpected ways.

The beginning of the month saw us in the local children's hospital with Maia, our middle daughter, who underwent emergency surgery for a septic hip joint.  It was a roller coaster of emotion.  Since that time, I have looked at her each day and realized what a gift she is. 

One especially big plus was that I took extra time to help Kaedon with his science fair project.  He wanted to see if a parabolic mirror like one fabled to have been used by Archimedes could burn something.  So we read about it, and I helped him build and test a parabolic mirror.  Not necessarily in my comfort zone, but it was a fabulous experience  (more about this later).   One night Kaedon was upset that he had done all his chores and it was too late to play with any friends, so I offered to read with him on my bed.  For the last couple of years, I have only read to the younger kids and have let the self-sufficient readers read to themselves.  But reading with him was fun!

As far as dates go, I had a great experience taking Kaedon on a little date.  It wasn't that hard, and I realized why these one-on-one bonding experiences are important, as he opened up to me that night about something that was bothering him.

So, it was a good month, some good progress made and some happy memories and perspective gained.

As always, if you have any suggestions or tips on something that has worked for you, I'd love to hear about it!  I have always felt that parenting is an area that we really need each other's help.

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