Friday, July 19, 2013

San Fran Part 2

(These photos are all mixed up from the two and a bit days we were in San Francisco.)   I read about Ferry Building Marketplace in a travel book, had never heard of it before.  But it was impressive.  Very beautifully done and the food was gorgeous.  If it had been my husband and I, it would have been fun to browse the beautiful artisan shops and taste some fine(r) food.  But after making a quick scouting tour through on my own while my husband and kids were in the car, I decided that taking five kiddos through probably wouldn't make for a very pleasant time.  Too expensive to get something for everyone, hard to keep little fingers from touching, and probably not something the younger kids would be too keen on anyway.  So we decided to save for next time.  But I can see why it was so highly recommended in the travel books....for adults.

Cheese!  One of my big weaknesses.

We went for a little stroll in Golden Gate Park.  That place is huge.  This was a very lovely walk.

 We visited the Palace of...I can't remember.  I can only think of it as the "Nadia, I am coming" place.  It was also quite beautiful in the early morning light.  Not in the guidebook, but I was glad we stopped.  The kids enjoyed it too.

Have an absolutely fabulous weekend!  I will be around more next week (famous last words).  Can't wait!  As for goals, some mixed results to report.  First, I have been trying to be more playful with the kids.  This has been so delightful!  It hasn't been hard at all, when I remember to do it :), and has helped to lighten up some otherwise heavier moments, such as when a child is hurt (I taught her the "owie dance" by jumping all around while saying "ow, ow ow!" and her tears instantly evaporated into giggles).  And when the little boy is clinging to me at times when, say he is hungry and I'm trying to get dinner made, if I make a joke out of something, it distracts him in a pleasant way and reduces the immediate tension (and I feel good because I am helping him laugh!).  And it has been SO fun to hear those delighted baby belly laughs.  I have just loved this, it has been a favorite of the project so far.  Seems to me that having a laugh each day should be just as important as getting three square meals, what do you think?  And being silly lightens me up too.

On another front, I decided my health goals were too broad and overwhelming, so I'm just going to pick one at a time!  I'm going to work on getting the littlest one to sleep through the night, as getting good sleep seems to affect everything else.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Crazy (Good) Summer and Here Comes the Bride

We have had a really great, super busy summer!  We have had to squish it all in because my girls start school next week.  We will see how year-round school treats us.  I'm sort of excited and a little scared, but definitely trying to keep an open mind and be positive since we don't have much of a choice.  So it feels like we have had a summer on steroids.  We have had some wonderful times together in spite of its hurried nature!  We just got back from another short trip last week, I can't wait to share!  In the meantime, I'll be working on the Mount Everest of laundry.  (I also have loads of California photos to share, I just haven't had a real chance to go through them yet)

Enjoy these photos in the meantime!  One morning I was totally shocked when this beautiful girl came walking down the stairs and her sister announced they had been playing "here comes the bride."  It wasn't so much the fabulous sister-wrought hairdo, complete with fresh flower tissue wrapping paper (requisitioned from her sister's recent present), or the beautiful girl that surprised me, but the fact that she was wearing her blessing dress (?) (can you say size 3-6 months?).  Of course she looks so cute in it but I was a bit horrified since I am trying to preserve the dress as an heirloom for her.  So after a quick reluctant bride photo shoot, we very carefully took off the baby dress and tried to locate a different dress!

 This bride is not too happy about getting her photo taken lately.

I'm envisioning a career as a wedding planner here?   Helping the "bride" smile.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!  We met a new friend whom we really enjoyed and were sad to say goodbye to.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

San Fran Day 1 and 2

Days one and two in SF.

Someone please tell me why I like this statue so much.  I just do.  ^^

Shhh.....don't tell.  After two frustrating days trying to find hotels or vacation rentals that would accommodate our large family, I had to get creative (hotel search engines are NOT built for 2 adults, 5 kids!  I just kept getting-- "no rooms available," blah).  We needed the air mattress for camping.  So it worked out in a few hotels too.  We had two big beds and the air mattress, which was comfy enough (in this photo, two little ones are late-snuggling with the big kids, they slept elsewhere).  Hopefully our neighbors and the hotel owners thought so too. I didn't know what else to do!  Suggestions?

Church.  We made friends with a nice group of boys visiting from AZ, who kindly took our picture and let us chat their ears off for a few minutes while our kids played jungle gym.

I can hardly look at SF and not get college flashbacks of Mike Meyer in So I Married an Axe Murderer.   Good times.  Miss my college friends!  We came here together during our freshman year, and it was magical!

 I don't know the name of this cathedral, but I thought it was pretty.

This poor boy was tortured by the too-tight jeans I had thrown in for him at the last minute.  He was a good sport, though.

 Running, running, this boy is always running!  But I love it.

More later!  I may not be back until next week, since we have company coming.  See you then!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Goal Update

Last month I worked on reclaiming some patience.  :)  It seems to be a lesson I'm learning over and over  during my project, that it is so much easier to retain a good habit than it is to reclaim it once it's lost!  As with other goals, I noticed it was especially hard at first, but after a couple of hard days got easier and easier.  (another pattern I've noticed-- some goals have felt nearly impossible to reach at the first, very daunting, but get easier even with a couple of tries)

This month, I'm going to work on a few things.  First, I want to focus on being more playful-slash- lightening up.  This is not hard for me when we are at a park or something.  I have learned to let my adult inhibitions go (with a lot of practice) as we go down slides and generally act kid-like and have fun.  My kids love this.  But some days I catch myself slogging through the daily mundane stuff and realize I could do better at making the little moments more fun for little ones.  So I'm going to try and be mindful of that this month.  (got a little taste of this in the car with my four year old, who was being whiny, so we ended up playing some silly games like elbow fight, yes, indeed, and got our giggles on)

Next, since I almost have a junior high kid, I want to introduce my kiddos to some good music.  Since I'm an NPR addict (not much lately though) I don't listen to much music.  But I used to!  So I'm going to revive some different styles of music and introduce them.  My kids are still a pretty clean slate in this regard, so this should be fun.

Lastly, I'm going to refresh my efforts to get healthy!  I know I've set this goal a lot.  But this time it's for real. :)  I really need to get the little one sleeping through the night, get him weaned, eat healthier, and exercise more consistently.  I'll let you know how this goes.

Will see you tomorrow!  Getting ready for another short trip and super excited to see my sister and other well-anticipated company!

What kind of music do you like?  Have your music tastes aged as you have?  I love me some good folk-type music with acoustic guitar.  Some day after I'm dead I'm going to take lessons from James Taylor.  But I like other types of music as well.  If anyone has suggestions, I'd love to hear!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Off on an Adventure

Dear friends, you have despaired or hoped that I was away forever!  Which was it?

We have been off on an adventure, and we have the laundry to prove it!  I can't wait to share.  Here are a few photos for now.

I hope you had a wonderful 4th!  Goal update tomorrow.