Monday, July 30, 2012

Snake River Trip

Sweet family went out of their way for me this weekend.  My mom watched the little kids most of the day so I could go on two river trips, one with some scouts and my sister and one with the family who was old enough to go (even on very little sleep).

It was surreal seeing this place-- my home for the best summer of my life.  So much of it was unchanged and brought back so many memories.

I loved showing the kids all the places where I have such wonderful memories and watching them enjoy it, too.  And my husband and parents and my sister, who has become a super guide.

I was having a hard time getting ready to leave, and my daughter said "mom, its time to go."  Realizing my little family is even better than any river (that is saying a lot), that as they get older I can continue to share this with them.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

24th Weekend

Celebrated the 24th of July weekend in Wyoming this year with a parade and a trip to the mountains (Jul 24th a holiday in some parts of the West, see here...).

We got poured on while in the mountains, but it was fine!  We got to bond in our warm cars, and at one point, all my kiddos were in a car with someone else, so I got to stretch out in the backseat and enjoy a delicious first chapter of Moby Dick while the rain pattered on the roof.  Later we were able to get out and enjoy the scenery after the rain stopped.

The men making yummy lunch.

(This was breakfast-- sort of an American version of Spanish tortilla....more tomorrow about this month's resolutions)

Do you celebrate the 24th of July in your part of the country or the world?