Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Dear friends,

I'm sorry I have been away so long!  A lot has happened in my life since I blogged last.  I finished a middle grade novel that I will be submitting soon.  I will be transitioning this blog from a parenting blog to one primarily related to books (with some personal tidbits every now and then).  I hope you will follow along!  I will be sharing book reviews and fun side-stories I created while I worked on my middle grade novel, The Shadowlands.  Did you know, in the Shadowlands there are fairies who love math?  I hope you'll join me and bring your kids along! 

By the way, isn't this copy of Bleak House delicious?  And who wouldn't write a little better when surrounded by Jane Austen quotes?  (while eating tacos?) 

By the way #2, I had so much fun writing my novel!  I was able to weave in some really fun literary themes and references.  When you read it, see if you can spot Bleak House!